Two "Southern Midwesterners" moved to Alaska, back to Houston, off to Brisbane and now retiring back in Alaska!
Monday, December 29, 2008
The hazards for Squrit helping in the kitchen
This year was no exception. As the turkey came out of the roaster, Robert was in the process of saving the juice for gravy and some spilled...
On Squirt.
Yes, Squirt has turkey gravy on his head and shoulder. Not a lot, but enough to make him wonder where that yummy smell is coming from.
One of these days, I promise to wash it out.
Of course, he cleaned the floor and lower cabinets perfectly!
Go ahead...try and take our landmark!
Friday, December 26, 2008
White Christmas
In fact, we have gotten about 6 inches of white Christmas...and it is getting deeper.
I will soon be time to shovel!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Rolled past another milestone!
Squirt received a Christmas bath Friday. He is so white and soft right now. I am not sure he believes the experience was worth it. He has been guarding the Christmas presents under the tree to the point he had to unwrap one of his to make sure it was safe. He and I were forced to have a discussion about waiting for Christmas Eve. I don't think he has bothered them since...other than to make sure they are still there. :)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
An early morning surprise...
One day this last week, I was taking Squirt outside and as normal, gripping the railing, going down one step at a time, very slowly while Squirt was already at the west gate waiting for me - impatiently - to get there. It was just another typical, dark and cool winter day.
Squirt finished running around the yard and I closed the gate and we headed back towards the door. That's when I heard...
I stopped and peered off into the darkness...
Sure enough, there was a moose munching away on our crab apple tree about 5 feet from the back door of the house. She was on the other side of our East gate but I don't know how Squirt and I missed her on the way out.
She wasn't bothered by us in the least and Squirt knows better than to take on a dog that big without glass between them.
We watched her for a while and then went inside and told Robert there was a moose just off of the porch.
And that the SNAP I heard was one of the tree limbs being sheared off.
Robert immediately went out and shooed her away and sadly I didn't get any pictures.
As luck would have it though, this morning about 8am, there was a different moose in the same spot. This time, I got the camera to take a picture. Of course, it was still pitch black (sun rose this morning about 10) and I couldn't see anything through the view finder.
I have some great black pictures (I call them night sky with no flash). Several ear shots in lower corners of the frame. Here are two of the better ones. At least you can see how close to the deck she was in the first picture. (The wood on the left side is part of the trellis.)
I did run upstairs and to let Robert know we had a moose emergency and that I was going to try to send it to the front yard away from the fruit trees. (Just in case there was an icident and she decided to come over the fence toward me instead of the other way. Hey - it was -4 this morning. Not a day to be lounging on the back porch in your sweats and a simple shirt. (Who needs a coat when there's moose pictures to take!))
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Return to Snow!
We spent Tuesday morning digging out the sidewalks, deck, driveway and of course Squirt's paths. (Squirt was very appreciative of this!) Now when he is in the yard, he can barely see over the snow walls of his runs.
It has been warming up the last couple of days to the upper 20's - lower 30's. Just enough to create ice runs on the ski slopes (YUCK) and to allow for rain instead of snow. Today we are blessed with 30 degrees and a thin layer of ice on everything. I'm glad we ran errands yesterday!
Tomorrow we are off to a moving away party. Some of our good friends are headed back to warm country (Oklahoma). Their 3 huskies and malamute aren't very happy about the decision to move back south but I don't think they got to vote.
Squirt is still catching up on his sleep. It is tough having a college student for a dog sitter. I don't think he got his required 20 hour nap each day. He has however spent a lot of time guarding the presents under the Christmas tree. He understands what presents are and he is pretty sure there is at least one for him.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Congratulations Jerry! Welcome to Retirement!
Hats off to you!
PS - we hope to follow you...come on stock market!!!
Ode to Craps
We managed to slip in a quick side trip to our old stomping grounds and met with several friends we hadn't seen since hurricane Rita blew through Houston, TX. It was fantastic to see everyone again! Just wish we had more time - as always.
We were also able to slip in a side trip to a casino (hard to believe) and I learned a new game
Normally, I hate to play at any table games with a minimum bet higher than $5. Why? I am too tight with my money. Unfortunately, $5 tables have almost turned into "rookie" tables which used to be the $3 tables. (There is a Blackjack strategy and some rookies don't know what it is - causing me to lose - causing me to move.) But enough of that.
Since Blackjack didn't seem to be our game this trip, we decided to play some craps. I am not sure but there appears to be about 50,000 bets you can make on a crap table and I know one. I put my $5 on the play line and then put $10 odds behind it. Then I got to roll the dice. What a blast! The dice even stayed on the table this time during my entire turn. (FYI - everyone frowns at you when you toss one of the dice on the floor. I know from experience.)
When I wasn't shooting, I started paying attention to how others bet. Before I knew it, I had $36 on the table for one roll of the dice. Luckily, there were some good shooters and I did OK...tripling my money.
Good shooters must be rare or they wouldn't allow craps in a casino! Must be very careful of this game in the future!!!
It was a LOT of fun at the time! Can't wait to pay again!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
I get up and look out the blinds and lo and behold, there is a mother and baby moose working their hardest to split open the leftover, frozen solid, Halloween decorations (a.k.a. pumpkins). They are on the steps of our lower landing.
I go running downstairs into the office where Robert is working, whispering the entire time, “Look out the window! Look out the window!” and these 2 moose were right below us working away.
Mother Moose was showing signs of being nervous. She would spin and look behind her, lay her ears down, take a bite and repeat. Something was not right. It was so not right that they took off before finishing all of the decorations.
We wondered what was going on and about 30 seconds later, a 2-3 year old bull moose came right through the yard. For some reason, he wasn’t interested in the pumpkins. I guess he didn’t realize rutting season was supposed to be over.
By this time, Squirt (he doesn’t have to guard at night, that is Robert’s job), finally realized I wasn’t in bed anymore and it appeared I wasn’t coming back anytime soon. He got up, came downstairs and wanted to know what was going on. By this time, all of the moose were out of sight and Squirt missed them all!.
I headed back to bed and Squirt decided it would be a good time for a bed time snack. Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!
I hope all of all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving…travel safe and eat well!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
These little guys are TOO cute
Anyway, you can find the link to them on NBC's page .
Or you can go to Shiba-Inu Cam.
Thanks to the puppy parents for seetting it up!
On a different note, gas has dropped to $2.93/gallon. I'm glad we aren't paying state gas tax now. That way it is under $3. (It's the little things in life!)
Robert put up "gates" yesterday across the entrance and exit to our flower gardens. We have been having neighborhood kids running through there with a sled. We can't have them falling off of the 4 - 6 food terrace wall. Let's hope it holds.
The pumpkins are still decorating our front step...what little you can see of them. They are somewhat covered by snow. Where are those moose?
Monday, November 03, 2008
Dining on Grouse
We had snow today and it was cold enough for Squirt to wear his brand new purple sled dog booties! He absolutely hates those things in the house but loves them in the snow. He pulls Robert just like a true sled dog would!
We saw one of the moose this morning on the way to work. If the black bear shot the other night has been around for a while, that would explain why the moose haven't. They don't tend to run in the same circles.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Fresh Grouse Tonight!
Of course it wasn't cleaned yet and I like for Squirt to experience new things. So when he brought up the bird we held it down for Squirt to sniff. Squirt's little nose was going at full tilt and then he lunged for the bird. Some feathers escaped and I think Squirt ate one of them. After that, Squirt was VERY interested in what Daddy was doing (cleaning) with the bird. He stood at Robert's feet the entire time. I guess the throwback retriever gene appeared last night! Or maybe he just thought it was a new, smelly chew toy!
As for the ATV, Robert did an excellent job of repairing it. No problems what so ever. Plus, his buddies let me know he kept all 4 wheels underneath him the entire time.
Congrats on the bird Robert!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
The Bears aren't Asleep Yet!
HMMM...may have to rethink that?
Fatal Bear Incident
Must be time to carry the big stick again!
Robert's off ATV riding again today. It was 7 degrees this morning and I said I thought I would stay in where it is warm. He did get strict warnings about coming home in the same condition he left in!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
WooHoo!! Price of Gas is $3.29 in town!
And Bonus! We have had four - count them - 4 - crystal clear days. Absolutely beautiful. Mountains were visible, including Denali. Of course, it was 5 here this morning and 6 yesterday morning...but then, life is full of trade offs!
Monday was our 4th anniversary. Robert truly spoiled me this year. I received flowers AND an abstract print with sled dogs. I feel bad to say all he got was a card. Next year...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
What a Beautiful Morning
I just wish the northern lights would show up around this time instead of 2-4 am. I'll never see them!
We went to a Seawolves hockey game last night. The Seawolves are the University of Alaska - Anchorage team. It was a good game and they won! I have been to one semi-pro Aces game before and didn't really care for it. Every time you turned around, fights were breaking out on the ice - sticks thrown down, gloves flying, fists connecting (as well as they can when someone is padded up). As I see it, I wouldn't go to a boxing match expecting to see a hockey game break out...why should a boxing match break out at a hockey game.
(OK - I'm sure there's some snappy pit bull comment here - I just haven't had any coffee and nothing is coming to mind!)
We got the Christmas lights up yessterday. It was sunny and 19 and we wanted to get it done before it snowed lots. Today will be Christmas present wrapping and shipping day. (We like to avoid the rush!)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
All Appears to be OK
As for dealing at the charity casino night. Nothing to it. Just like real casinos in Vegas, I took their money. (Amazing how things change when you are a dealer!)
PS - Friday, I forgot to wish everyone a Happy Alaska Day on Friday. Maybe I'll be on time next year!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
No Broken Bones Identified Yet!
If you recall, I mentioned a grouse hunting trip with the hopes of fresh grouse for dinner last night. Well, they got on a trail that ended up being a little too steep and when backing down, Robert went over the side into the blueberry patch. The ATV landed on him once and luckily Robert stopped in the blueberry patch while the ATV took another spin. Robert said he was laying there, praying the thing didn't go all of the way down the side of the mountain. However, two rolls was enough for it.
Of course they were out of cell phone range but at least he wasn't alone thank goodness! Robert was able to get up and walk away from the accident and the little ATV that could was still running when they finally got down to it. The gun case bracket didn't survive, the throttle lever is gone, brush guards are loose with some broken plastic here and there and the GPS holder is loose but he found the GPS.
As for Robert, with the help of a Leatherman as a throttle lever, he was able to drive both the ATV and the car home. He had an ugly red welt on his harm (handlebar in shape) and his right leg / knee is pretty banged up. He was pretty sore and tired. I haven't seen him yet this morning but expect the bruises to start coming out sometime today. He will SO look forward to the charity event we are going to tonight. (I can't not go as I am dealing blackjack.)
As for dinner last night, the pizza was rather tasty.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Moose are Back!
"Do you want to come watch the moose?"
Sure enough, Mother and Baby Moose were feasting on the black current berry bush - stripping the leaves right and left. The baby is so small. She wondered perilously close the the Halloween decorations until a car scared her/him back toward Momma. Along the way, the baby nibbled on the broken birch limb which had fallen to just the perfect baby moose nibbling height - about 6 feet from the window we were watching from.
Squirt just does NOT understand why those giant dogs get free run of the yard when he has to stay inside and be quiet!!
They left about 11:00 and the pumpkins had so far survived...
However, a second, lone moose (based on telltale tracks) stopped off at the Trosper Buffet later that night for a pumpkin snack. There are only a few seeds and a small piece of rind left. This turned out to be record eating time for pumpkins. They lasted 4 days this year. Hope he enjoyed it! (Time to go buy more this weekend!)
BTW - we have had 13.1 inches of snow this year. The average for October is 10 inches. I am predicting an above average winter!
Robert is off grouse hunting tomorrow. We may have fresh meat for dinner tomorrow night...
Or leftovers!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Starting on the Winter Wonderland
It has been snowing since I got up this morning. The pumpkins are covered and Robert did have to shovel the deck. Luckily, we were energized yesterday and cleared out a lot of the dead plants, the raspberry canes, downed tree limbs and put up the patio furniture. Much easier when not covered in ice and snow!! You might say perfect timing!
BTW - here is a picture of the neighbor's tree. One example of damage all over town. The tree is firewood now.
Friday, October 10, 2008
The winds are here!
Squirt and I got up when the power went off because something was banging against the house and Squirt, a.k.a Guard Dog Supreme when Robert is out of town, was barking like crazy. Once downstairs, I couldn't see the grill anymore from the back door. Sure enough, it was close to going over the side of the deck. SO, I made Squirt stay inside because I wasn't sure he would stay on the ground and I went out (did I mention it was pouring rain?) and moved the grill to a more sheltered part of the deck...or so I thought...while being attacked by a raspberry cane that came loose from the pile I cut down last weekend. I also moved the patio chairs up against the house to minimize their potential to bang the house.
Once done on the back porch, we could still hear the thudding and I went out the front door and one of the hanging baskets was just about to fly off, twirling so hard it was hitting the porch column. Once that was down the banging miraculously stopped. I checked the grill one more time and the cover was gone. GREAT - ran outside to find the cover and secured it until the storm was over. (For some reason it was till on the porch.)
We lit some candles, found the camping light and sat in the living room waiting for power to return. Got really hungry and fixed breakfast by camp lantern. (It took me a minute to realize the electric start on the gas stove wouldn't work. I blame lack of coffee.) Power returned promptly at 9:00am which is about the time it is getting good and light here and I noticed the neighbors had a tree fall across their fence and on to the top of another house. First time that's happened in our neighborhood. In fact I saw four trees down this morning and while I'm not entirely sure, I think every little stick in the metro area ended up on our porch.
Now to start the clean-up. I went outside and moved the rest of the flower pots to a sheltered place, rounded up the rest of the raspberry canes and noticed the wind had knocked the cover off of the main junction box to our house. While this happens periodically, it can't be good to have your two main breakers exposed to the pouring rain. SO I stomped through the bushes and put it back on in the process turning one of them off. Didn't know it until I was back inside. This calls for something to help hold the panel in place...I've got just the ticket - an Allen wrench. I just needed something to brace it in place. Looked like it would work. It did until Squirt and I were off to get some gas and groceries and the darn thing came off again in a gust and turning the power to the house off.
Me - ever the patient person, it is now covered in the end all, be all, fix all, can't live without it duct tape.
Robert will not be happy...maybe I shouldn't tell him until he has recovered from his flight home today. This does however go to show you nothing has changed. He goes overseas and something breaks at the house. Thank goodness I have a good supply of tape!!!
On a brighter note...I put our fall decorations out today. Two nice pumpkins on the front porch!
Sunday, October 05, 2008
PS - I forgot to mention
"Save a Moose - Send Sarah to Washington"
Signs of Winter
So what are the 10 "sings of winter" for the Trospers...
10. Studded tires are on the SUV
9. I bought a new fall coat (on sale of course!)
8. The snow thrower has oil and gas - ready to run
7. I was instructed on snow thrower use - again
6. Robert scored a business trip somewhere warm and exotic (relates to #7)
5. Squirt's 2008-2009 dog bootie order came in (they had PURPLE this year!!!)
4. Most of our Christmas shopping is done (just have to wrap and ship!)
3. I bought a new winter coat (on sale of course!)
2. I cut out this year's raspberry canes (oof - that was a chore)
And the #1 sign...
According to the tracks in the frozen grass and nugget piles, we had a mother and baby moose in the yard over night. (Of course I missed them.)
Yes, the moose are coming back down from the hills to the city. I can't wait to see how big the baby is. From the tracks, I couldn't tell if there were 1 or 2 babies. Last spring she had twins. I hope they both made it.
Our apple crop was pathetic this year. We only had about 20 and they were the size of golf balls on steroids. No applesauce over the winter for us! I decided yesterday to toss them back in the yard for compost.
I also made the last trip to the farmer's market Saturday for a little combat vegetable shopping. I splurged and came away with 28 lbs of potatoes (Rose gold, peanut and reds) for a mere $31 and what ended up being a gallon of Brussels sprouts for Robert for $18. (How I miss L48 prices!)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Those Sneaky Moose
No moose chili this winter!
Hunting season is over and the only moose Robert saw were female or too young to take. Oh well, I didn't want buy another freezer yet anyway.
However, he did discover a blueberry patch to pick in next fall!
The snow is marching smartly down the mountain at the rate of about 500 feet a night. We should have snow at our house by Friday. It was 39 this morning when I took Squirt outside - about time to close the windows. I broke down and turned the thermostats to 60 degrees today for when it does get seriously get cold.
Hard to believe Fall starts Monday. It has been here for about 3 weeks.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
My Mother - What a Sense of Humor
She asked if I was going to clean it.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Here Comes Ike!
We are off to Denali National Park today. It is cloudy so I am sure we won't see the mountain. Maybe we will see some wildlife. Before we go, we need to take our hanging baskets to the green house. The winter winds have started to blow and beat them up plus I don't know they can last another week outside without getting nipped.
On a side note, the moose hunt is still jeopardized...Robert has been diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis. While sounding exotic, it means he overstretched the tendon covering the arch and has to wear supportive inserts and he can't go barefoot anymore. (Ut OH - he's reached the age where words like "supportive" are being used with regards to clothing.) Of course, it hasn't healed enough for him to walk very far, let alone pack meat out from somewhere. But there is still 6 days before the hunt. From the sounds of it, we are leaving the spurs alone for now.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Two years ago today...
I wouldn't trade a single day of it for something else!
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Moose Hunt Jeopardized!
We also picked wild blueberries - once. We have a quart of them in the freezer.
And then there was the road construction issue. Our housing addition has only one "usable" entrance / exit. Not a problem until the DOT spends 4 days to repave the only street you have to use to turn in to the addition and threatens hour long delays! We do have a "back" fire exit for emergencies. Well, everyone in the addition (except the people on the cul-de-sac next to the emergency exit) considered the threat of hour long delays an "emergency". However the people in the neighboring housing addition did not. There was much gnashing of teeth, calling of authorities, people standing at the back exit and stopping cars arguing with drivers about using the bank road and closing the gates when no one was looking. So much for being neighborly - they're off my Christmas list! (Not that they were there, but now they definitely won't make it!)
And THEN there is the hint of fall... no wait... fall is here. Leaves are turning and then falling, the air has the briskness to it associated with fall, there is more snow in the mountains in the higher elevations and it is dark at night now. Really dark. Good thing I found a new winter coat on sale yesterday! (Of course I needed the new ski bibs also!) Wednesday is boiler check day - we still have our windows open but I want the furnace in good working order when it does get cold!
But the real question running through your minds is, "What does all of this have to do with jeopardizing the moose hunt???"
Good question.
Robert has been hobbling around this week unable to put weight on his right heel. I finally convinced him to seek medical advice. At the GP office, they took an x-ray and the Dr. came back shaking his head and said. "You have three of the biggest bone spurs I have a ever seen. I don't know what to do." After a round of general congratulating Robert for his over achievement, the Dr. gave us the name of three specialists to go to. Since it was Saturday, we couldn't make an appointment so there is no update yet on where this is going. However, for the medically inclined in the family, see the picture below. Those two "fangs" pointing downward and the arch pointing back from the heel aren't normal. We'll keep you posted on the moose hunting!
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Here comes PFD!
Friday, August 29, 2008
And She's Off!
(BTW - Wasilla is known here as part of the Valley. Expect Valley Girl jokes soon!)
So much for keeping politics out of the blog!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Gardening Dangers
Of course I still went to work but when 8:00am arrived, I called my physician to see if I could get in. Hooray - they worked me in at 11:00am. Upon arriving at the Doctor's office, they checked my normal vitals, vision, etc. and proceeded to say "That really looks annoying. Take Benadryl, put ice packs on it and it should go away in 3 - 7 days. And by the way, it will probably be bruised once the swelling is gone." Perfect! Just what I need! At least there won't be any pictures taken if I can help it over the next 2 weeks which was a feat this weekend because we had a birthday party (my brother's) and the fair to attend!
Now, 3 and 1/2 days later, I appears it is going to take more like 7 days before it goes away. Robert assures me it isn't as big as it was Friday but I can't tell when looking in the mirror.
From now on I am wearing bug spray!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Q: What is 95?
Friday we spent the day cruising around Resurrection and Aialik Bays looking for wildlife. Regardless of the continued crappy 2008 Alaska rain and fog, we did see Sea Otters, Dall's Porpoises surfing with our boat, Sea Lions, Aialik Glacier calving, Humpback Whales, Eagles eating salmon, Puffins, a host of other birds, and a small drama where a seal was laying on a iceberg and three Orcas were hunting for it. The seal survived yesterday (even though he kept rolling off of his little piece of ice) and the Orcas moved farther down the coast. Depending on how bad the pictures are due to rain on the lenses, I'll post some in the next couple of days. I truly enjoy looking for the animals!
Saturday, we went Silver Salmon and Halibut fishing in the Gulf of Alaska. It actually turned out to be a warm,dry day requiring only 2 layers of clothing instead of my customary 4. Robert and I both limited out on Halibut - 2 each, Silver Salmon - 3 each and Rockfish, aka Sea Bass, - 8 each. That equates to 12 lbs of Rockfish, 19.5 lbs of Halibut and 26 3/4 lbs of Salmon. I lost count of how many pink salmon I caught because now that we are connoisseurs, we really don't like that color! LOL!! Plus, we didn't need another 20 lbs of fish.
One of the most interesting parts of the day happened when a school of Dall's Porpoises (looking like miniature Orcas) decided to swim through our lines not once, not twice but three separate times. They were playing with us causing the Captain to worry one of us would snag one and loose the fishing pole. Luckily only one gentleman snagged a Dall and lost his hook. Dall's are right up there with watching Otters when it comes to animals that just appear to enjoy life.
All of these fish are fighters though and wear your butt out. OK - the halibut really isn't - they are just like pulling up a mattress off of the bottom of the ocean though. Regardless, it is a challenge sitting here typing today because my arms are SO tired!
Of course, all of this means...
FRESH halibut tonight and FRESH salmon tomorrow!!!
Saturday, August 09, 2008
What a Wonderful Surprise Care Package
Boy are they tasty!!!
Too bad Robert will only get one or two - but that's the risk you take when you go hunting and leave the fresh tomatoes at the house!
Friday, August 08, 2008
First Raspberries and tomatoes of the Year
Bow season for moose starts on Sunday. While Robert isn't a bow hunter, he is going out with a compadre who is. We spent last night getting him packed and ready to go. I think the expectation is to scout on Saturday and then pick one off on Sunday. Of course this means Squirt and I get to spend some quality time together!
Our State Legislature last night passed a resource rebate for every person eligible for the PFD (Permanent Fund Dividend) this year. Luckily, Robert and I fall into that category!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Another Alaskan First!
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Time to Squirrel Away Nuts!
Next weekend, Robert is going moose hunting. Hopefully this year, they get one to share!
On the political front here...our newspaper continues to read like a soap opera right now. After starting last year with a big corruption investigation over some legislative members taking bribes from a corporation, we now have one of our longest serving senators (over 40 years?) being indicted for not reporting what are probably considered gifts from a corporation whose former CEO was part of the above mentioned investigation. Plus, our Governor (elected in part to clean up all of the corruption) is now under investigation for abuse of office power and to top it off, the State Legislature just past a bill that competes directly with the major oil producers. (OK - that last item isn't so much part of the soap opera. It just sets the stage for an interesting couple of years to see how it plays out.)
Never a dull moment here!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Rain, Rain, Rain
The really important thing to note is that if it is raining in town, depending on how cool it is, it could be snowing in the mountains. Our first termination dust arrived last week - July 22/23. (This is normally a September event.) We are honestly worried whether we will get any raspberries, apples or tomatoes this year because of the cooler weather.
Friday, Robert and I had the chance to tour an oil tanker in Valdez. Those are really big ships and it is amazing they only need 20 - 30 people to run everything from top to bottom. Unfortunately, we didn't take pictures due to security issues and the fact by the time we got off it was too dark to take a picture. If you come to my house, we will have a really nice picture of the ship though hanging on the wall!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Katmai - WOW - Part III (videos)
(I know - too many photos and movies! Oh well! Skip to the next post if you want to see the stills and Part I to read the commentary!)
View from the Ripples looking back towards Brooks Falls. Sometimes you just have to smack the water!
Dining in the water with other bears coming to check out the menu
Baby bears learning to be big bears - listen to those growls. This one also shows how close we were.
Don't worry - Mom did get the fish back (Junior knows when to behave) and the little one got a bite before it was all gone.
One last shot from the Ripples looking back to the Falls - bears, bears everywhere! :)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Katmai - WOW - Part II (still pictures)
Friday, July 18, 2008
Katmai - WOW - Part 1
After exiting the plane, we had to go through about 30 minutes of storing food (NONE - no gum, candy, soda, flavored water, etc. allowed out of camp), orientation and lectures about how to act around the bears. We got our orientation pin (must wear or risk citation) and were off. After a short 30 minute hike (with potential to meet up with a bear at any time) we made it to the viewing platforms.
Upon arriving to the Brooks Falls area, we put our name on the waiting list to go to the actual falls. The entire park gets about 300 visitors a day and only 40 are allowed to watch the bears at that location at one time. To help pass the time, we went to the Ripples area which is just below the falls. This is where the younger bears hang out. Only the big'uns have a positiong at the falls!
It was FABULOUS!!! The bears are so close to you and don't pay any attention to you. They are after salmon and when they get one, it can be a quiet snack or a lot of growling, positioning and fish stealing. It is also a great place to look down at the falls and see all of the big bears hanging out.
At last it was our turn to get to the Brooks Falls viewing platform. It is almost indescribable. (Luckily we have 45 different videos and 201 pictures. :) ) There were the master fishermen and the teenagers trying to encroach. At one point, I counted 16 bears either in the river or on the bank. We even had a momma and 3 cubs stationed right by the platform which is pretty unusual. Male grizzlies have a tendency to kill cubs and momma did not leave her babies except to fend off males (we have it on video) or to grab a fish every now and then. (OK she was actually the best at fishing.) About once an hour, she would wait and watch, jump in the water and come out with a fish immediately. The babies would pounce on the fish and rip it apart. It was very easy to see which cubs were dominant. They were learning how to be bears.
Our hour on the platform absolutely flew by. Once we had to leave, we went back to the Ripples again and this time saw a momma with 2 cubs being chased by a male. Believe it or not, the two cubs ran up the tree for safety. (Ya - right grizzlies don't climb trees!) I'm sure we spent another hour there before heading back to the lodge.
Sure enough, on the way back to camp, we rounded a corner and people across the river started to yell "BEAR". Four of them were just beyond us out of sight...thanks to whoever yelled and stopped us!!!
Back in camp, we heard there was another mom with cubs by the cabins. Of course we had to check it out. Sure enough, there she was, laying on her back resting with the cubs on top of her. Unfortunately, I'm not sure those pictures turned out as she was in an awkward location and we had to stay at least 50 yards away from them at all times. (All bears - not just cubs.)
We even stumbled across a bear with cubs when heading back to the plane. Of course, the bears have the right - of - way and humans wait. No matter how long it takes.
Our pilot was fantastic. On the way home, he took us by St. Augustine Volcano for a few shots and also the tilted mountains (named because of the tectonic upheaval) and is best shown with a picture (to come). Luckily the weather had cleared quite a bit for the flight.
An absolutely incredible experience I recommend.
Pictures to come once we cull!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Friday, July 04, 2008
Moose Babies!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
I got a new toy!
Robert had dental surgery yesterday. So far, all has gone well. It will be very tough at the BBQ tomorrow though. He isn't really supposed to eat solid foods!
We have company with us now. Robert's niece is here for a few days. We have gone hiking by the gulf, in the mountains and on Matanuska Glacier! (OK - that was pretty cool!) We also have pictures of the moose twins but they are still safely on the camera!
In case you missed it, there was a serious bear attack about 1.5 - 2 miles from our house this last week. Luckily the girl should live. Then there was a fire along the same creek in town this week. We assume that pushed all of those bears closer to our house. Squirt just has to be on alert!
Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July!!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
A King Salmon Each!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
And they're off!
I have so many pictures to post (need to start making a list) including some of our yard. It is in partial bloom and so very pretty!
To start with though, here is a picture of the two of them in Jerry's "office"...the cockpit of a 737. (Jerry was able to fly them here, come back to visit once and then fly them home! How cool is that?!?)
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
So what's up with no blogging???
Actually, I have been spending all available home time (after dinner, clean up and dog walks - you know - priorities!) working on our flower beds. It appears I have 3 personal vendettas this year:
And something new (I just found out) - horse tail. These darn things are about to take over everything. Just like kudzu in the south - only not a vine. Tonight I filled 6 plastic grocery bags full and barely made a dent.
Oh and I forgot the grass that is invading all things - except the bare spots in the yard. Of course, the worst place the grass is growing and where I want to work most, we have a tiny bird nesting under a big rock on the ground. She has been rather angry at me the last 3 nights.
You would think with the sun up at 4:30am and not setting until 11:30pm, I would have it well under control but work and sleep interefere's with my weeding!
Company arrives tomorrow. They may be enlisted to work in the gardens also! (Not really!)
The new exciting news I do have is our momma moose in the neighborhood had twins this year. We spotted them yesterday and oh boy are they at that cute adorable stage! Too bad we didn't have the camera!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Breaking News....
Our first guests of the season left Sunday night. From the sounds of things they had a good time. However, I guess we scheduled too much for them to do as they LOST weight on vacation instead of gained. I felt really bad! More about our adventures when the pictures are ready this weekend.
The bears are definitely out now as evidenced by this article in the paper. It is sad the bear was shot and killed but it now associated food with homes and that is never a good combination. FYI, I am pretty sure they tossed the rug too.
Today's Alaska Daily News had a discussion of what to do when a moose dies in your yard. I particularly liked the suggestion to...
"Instead, property owners should haul their inedible dead moose to the dump ... Another option is burying the carcass in the yard..."
Now - there's a picture - Robert, Squirt and I trying to bury a moose in the yard deep enough every so dog, fox and wolf doesn't try to dig it up for a snack. (Now where did I put my backhoe?) I would probably go the "pay someone to do it" route.
I have had a couple people ask what we are paying for gas. Alaska now has the distinction of being the first state to average more than $4 per gallon...Yippee! We are paying $3.89 in Anchorage last I checked.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Another Year ... Another City Wide Clean-up Week
As far as I can tell, this is the one downside to living here. Just before spring and green fully arrive, we go through melt. Everything is wet and brown because of all the gravel used during the winter and the mud created during breakup. We also have LOADS of trash uncovered.
For some reason, many people believe it is OK to toss all trash out of their cars in the winter. I don't understand why - maybe because it is easily covered up with snow? Regardless - when the snow leaves - the trash is everywhere. From 27.5 gabillion cigarette butts to full size mattresses, passports to wallets, paper cups to sleeping bags, used shotgun shells to wine is all there.
Of course, we don't want of our visitors to remember trash and we really don't want to look at it so for the last 40 years, the city has organized a clean up week. For one full week, they provide trash bag and free drop off at the land fill. The residents and businesses provide the labor and today was my day to pick up trash along the road in an orange safety vest.
Picking up trash gives you lots of time to think about things like how sore you are going to be the next day due to the bending AND how to reduce the trash problem with heavy fines, jail time and prison work crews.
I am thankful our employer is willing to participate and let employees volunteer to help clean up the city. It does make an amazing difference. It is just sad we need to do this each year when the solution seems so simple...
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
The Bears Survived Another Outing
The funny part about the hunt was after they parked the ATVs and went up a hill on foot, a moose came by the and left a "deposit" right by the quads. They are probably lucky the moose didn't gnaw on some part! (Unless, of course, the quads were already covered in mud and the discriminating moose palette doesn't eat mud!) I am just glad he got home safe and sound!
My hunt however was more successful. I have new shoes and Squirt received a gourmet biscuit at a new canine store in town for being such a good guard dog all morning!
Sunday, we made our first (of many expected) trips to the nursery. Our tomato plants, cilantro and mint are hardening off as I type. Our chives are up and ready to use plus I found the first poppy flower just so close to blooming. All this means is I spent the rest of Sunday in the flower bed cleaning out the dead brush from last year. It actually took us part of Monday to finish. Just a few more days and dingy winter will be gone!
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Shhhhhhh! Be verrrrry quiet!
Yes, I got up bright and early for a Saturday morning (although the sun was up), made a very spicy breakfast of hearty biscuits and gravy and waved goodbye to our hunter. Maybe we will have a black bear blanket by the end of the day.
Squirt and I will also be hunting today. We will be hunting for shoes. Apparently, the dry Alaska climate is hard on soles of shoes formerly used to a humid existence. I have had two different pair in the last month lose chunks of soles the size of gravel. Btw - this is very uncomfortable to walk on. Regardless, I had to put back change outfits twice this week because I didn't have matching shoes. Then I learned about the male bonding bear hunt....perfect timing for a shopping trip. Lookout mall, here I come...after my next cup of coffee.
Breaking News....
One of our friends still living in Houston is now a published author. He contributed to a book by Heather B. Armstrong a.k.a Dooce (of blog infamy). Congrats to Bill and the new book Things I Learned About My Dad
Sunday, April 27, 2008
It is a sloggy, mushy mess outside now. But at least the trees are budding!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
11th Snowiest Season - not any more!
We have had another 10 inches of snow and expect another 5-6 before morning.
And this is a good...heavy....solid....wet snow. The kind that gives you an aerobic workout whether you are shoveling by hand or running the snow thrower around the drive.
Good thing Squirt got his summer haircut this morning at the groomers. He was actually shivering outside while shoveling snow. That is mostly because he stands and barks (explaining how I need to shovel differently) while I move the snow around so he can do his business.
And to think, we are getting 15 hours and 30 minutes of sunlight a day, our tulips, chives and poppies were green and growing. Hope it doesn't get too cold to set them back!
While out on our ATV trip to Sutton, Alaska last weekend, we saw lots of moose tracks and 2-3 bear dens. We weren't 100% sure they were bear dens, but if I was a bear, it is exactly where I would want to go for the winter. No one went in to check it out. However, the weather was beautiful and the trails mostly slushy snow. There were a couple of spots it was muddy and we were by the end of the trip.
Squirt went along with us but had to stay and guard the 4-Runner and trailer. It was kind of funny when we returned. Some person in a big, blue helmet opened the car door (me). He didn't know if he should protect or be happy.
Before this morning, Squirt was affectionately known as the "mud bug". His tummy was black from our walks and him throwing up mud when going through puddles. Now he is clean, white dog. Up until we take him for the next walk....then it will be back to mud bug status.
Our first set of company arrives 2 weeks from tomorrow...Hope most of the snow is gone or they will be surprised....and cold!
BTW - the bears are out and hungry!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
50's this coming week -
Amazingly enough, we had the 11th snowiest winter on record during 2007 - 2009. 91.9 inches of snow was the official measurement in town. We should have had more as we are higher in elevation...and I had to shovel more than people living at lower elevations! It didn't seem like 91 inches. Last year, with 69 inches, was quite a bit deeper. I guess this winter just started later and we had more melt days in between big accumulations.
However, the last few days have been absolutely beautiful. More than 15 hours of bright sunshine and above freezing. The geese stopped by the park strip across from the office building this week on their annual migration to the Slope. They are so loud while honking about the latest gossip regarding what happened over the winter down South. When I told Robert about the forecast 50s starting Monday, his response was - time to open the windows and turn on the fan. My perspective is we need to get the shorts out and maybe open 1 window.
The deck furniture came out of storage and is ready to go for that first warm evening enabling us to dine outside. In less than a month, the animal babies and tourists will start showing up! Our first set of company this year arrives May 10th. Our second set on June 5th. I am so excited to have them come. Not only is it fantastic they are visiting, it gives us an excuse to take vacation from work and do Alaskan things!!!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Poor, Little Camaro...
Then over the last week, our house had about 12-14 inches of snow and it turned cooler again. (For example, it is 8 degrees right now but a perfectly clear and beautiful morning! ) On top of that, right after we put the Toyota in the shop, it started snowing - hard- at the house again. Luckily, non stuck on the streets and while the Camaro spun tires a few times, it did fine.
I KNOW it was ready to sleep in the garage again last night!
How about that Mario Chalmers (KU Basketball clutch shooter) on the cover of Sports Illustrated this week. Hooray for the Big 12 winning the tourney and congrats to Mario for the role he played. Amazingly enough, Mario is only the second Alaskan to be on the cover of SI. The first was Tommy Moe, a gold and silver medalist in the 1994 Olympics for downhill and Super-G.
One other sports note this week...Sports Illustrated named the 25 Toughest Athletes and Lance Mackey (Iditarod and Yukon Quest winner for the last 2 years) was number two on the list. Congrats to Lance for his newest accomplishment!
All in all - a banner week for Alaskan athletes in the headlines!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Mother Nature isn't ready for Spring
There was snow in the forecast yesterday. It started about 9:00 am and quit about 10 inches later (according to the news)....
And it is now snowing as I type...another 5-7 inches (according to the news last night).
Yesterday was the first 2 shovel day we have had this year and with all of the snow gone off of the deck and out of the yard, needless to say I was surprised.
So is Squirt!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Summer's Comin'!
Because the Mat-Su Outdoors Show was last weekend which we attended to tune up for the THE GREAT ALASKAN SPORTSMAN SHOW this weekend.
I actually enjoy walking around the shows and looking at all of the toys. There's usually some really fun vendors such as the Garlic Gourmet or the Pampered Chef that I occasionally buy things at (which reminds me - I need to go to the ATM :) ).
Robert missed last year due to a business trip so he was ready. He stopped at every other booth looking at guns, rafts, clothes, waders, etc. He now has new cammo for the moose hunt. (BTW - the hunt has now extended to caribou and black bear. Still waffling on the brown bear.) I am excited to introduce him to the show this weekend. He will be amazed at the parking problems alone.
The coolest thing about last week's show is they had a Great Horned Owl there who was in rehab after being hit by a car. He was so pretty and his eyes so intense. Talking to the handler, I'll bet that is the same type of owl that is living in our neighborhood. I hope he visits the show this weekend and I have the opportunity to watch him again.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Unusual Aurora Perspective
I've seen pictures and heard about it. Know where to go to watch it for a weekend trip, but I haven't seen it yet.
In case you missed it in the news, the astronauts got a pretty cool picture of it earlier this week.
I am sure the mushers in the All Alaska Sweepstakes are getting a great look if the skies are clear. The old record is 72 hours and 14 minutes from 1910. If things continue as they have over the first 1/2 of the race, that record will be almost cut in half.
Monday, March 24, 2008
The bears are waking up!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Happy Easter!
The Nenana Ice Classic is in full swing (can't forget to turn in the winning ticket sitting here on my desk).
The ravens are moving to the country or wherever ravens go in the summer (hooray!)....
The bears are waking up ...
And Whittier, Alaska (just south of here) received 3 feet of snow Wednesday and expects another 4 feet if they don't have it already.
OK...maybe Spring is still a few weeks away!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
It's 29 and sunny - what should we do???
It has been an absolutely beautiful weekend. Two sunny days creating a lot of melt. Today we went skiing at Alyeska - WOW - it doesn't get any better!
(OK, was a little icy and I I crashed mid green slope...I am going to have a very colorful bruise just to the side of my kneecap tomorrow. It is already forming. I think I will have a ski shaped (long/thin) one on the opposite shin to match it.)
Back to the sun! Either today or tomorrow, we will hit 12 hours of sunlight. In 3 short months we will have 20 hours of sunlight and the rest dusk. We are gaining light at the rate of 5 minutes
and 45 seconds a day.
Glad we got our fishing licenses Friday!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The race will finish soon!
Downtown at the start (notice the buildings)...

Saturday, March 08, 2008
Fur Rondy Highlights
Out of the gate - this is a 25 mile run the teams complete in about 90 minutes.

Meet Dozer the Giant Alaskan Malamute. He weighed 180lbs.
At the Hide and Horn auction - a clear, beautiful day to have a carnival. (It is about 28 degrees...OK the Ferris wheel might have been a chilly ride!)
Ah...the reindeer have arrived!
Here they are picking out targets...
Reindeer training. (This had to be a wild ride for the skiers as the reindeer went fast.) They did three runs with the skiers to train the reindeer where their pen was located at the other end.
The crowd is primed...literally.

Here's a feisty little one...notice the fur flying AND no more harnesses from the training session.
Luckily, no one was hurt and I can't wait for next year. We will be at the finish line then!
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
So how close do the moose get to the house?

Then of course he had to stop off for some birch twigs....
Note - he is on the steps to our deck. Thank goodness we put the them there or he would really have trouble reaching! (I am sure "he" is right because if you look at his forehead, I think antlers are ready to come out soon!)
We did see something unusual this morning when gong to work...our neighbor's truck was sideways in the street. No driver - passenger - wreck - nothing wrong. Just sitting there blocking the road. We finally decided it must have slid down the driveway during the night due to the warm temps, melting ice and windy conditions!