Friday, December 05, 2008

Ode to Craps

We went on our yearly sojourn Outside (i.e. not in Alaska) to visit our families for the Thanksgiving and Christmas celebration recently. This year, we even tossed in a retirement party for my brother. Our families make the most of our time together!

We managed to slip in a quick side trip to our old stomping grounds and met with several friends we hadn't seen since hurricane Rita blew through Houston, TX. It was fantastic to see everyone again! Just wish we had more time - as always.

We were also able to slip in a side trip to a casino (hard to believe) and I learned a new game


Normally, I hate to play at any table games with a minimum bet higher than $5. Why? I am too tight with my money. Unfortunately, $5 tables have almost turned into "rookie" tables which used to be the $3 tables. (There is a Blackjack strategy and some rookies don't know what it is - causing me to lose - causing me to move.) But enough of that.

Since Blackjack didn't seem to be our game this trip, we decided to play some craps. I am not sure but there appears to be about 50,000 bets you can make on a crap table and I know one. I put my $5 on the play line and then put $10 odds behind it. Then I got to roll the dice. What a blast! The dice even stayed on the table this time during my entire turn. (FYI - everyone frowns at you when you toss one of the dice on the floor. I know from experience.)

When I wasn't shooting, I started paying attention to how others bet. Before I knew it, I had $36 on the table for one roll of the dice. Luckily, there were some good shooters and I did OK...tripling my money.

Good shooters must be rare or they wouldn't allow craps in a casino! Must be very careful of this game in the future!!!

It was a LOT of fun at the time! Can't wait to pay again!

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