Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Breaking News....

Our tulips bloomed today and we have little purple flowers starting to show up in our ground clutter. It is absolutely beautiful today. 60 degrees with no wind or clouds. Squirt and I just got back from our evening walk and he is one panting puppy...literally!

Our first guests of the season left Sunday night. From the sounds of things they had a good time. However, I guess we scheduled too much for them to do as they LOST weight on vacation instead of gained. I felt really bad! More about our adventures when the pictures are ready this weekend.

The bears are definitely out now as evidenced by this article in the paper. It is sad the bear was shot and killed but it now associated food with homes and that is never a good combination. FYI, I am pretty sure they tossed the rug too.

Today's Alaska Daily News had a discussion of what to do when a moose dies in your yard. I particularly liked the suggestion to...
"Instead, property owners should haul their inedible dead moose to the dump ... Another option is burying the carcass in the yard..."
Now - there's a picture - Robert, Squirt and I trying to bury a moose in the yard deep enough every so dog, fox and wolf doesn't try to dig it up for a snack. (Now where did I put my backhoe?) I would probably go the "pay someone to do it" route.

I have had a couple people ask what we are paying for gas. Alaska now has the distinction of being the first state to average more than $4 per gallon...Yippee! We are paying $3.89 in Anchorage last I checked.

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