Saturday, August 02, 2008

Time to Squirrel Away Nuts!

Or in our case - fish! Yesterday we were fishing out of Willow, AK and caught 4 very pretty silver salmon - limiting out for that area. Another 14 lbs for the freezer! Total fish stored so far - 37 lbs. And in 2 weeks we go to Seward to fish for both halibut and silver salmon again.

Next weekend, Robert is going moose hunting. Hopefully this year, they get one to share!

On the political front here...our newspaper continues to read like a soap opera right now. After starting last year with a big corruption investigation over some legislative members taking bribes from a corporation, we now have one of our longest serving senators (over 40 years?) being indicted for not reporting what are probably considered gifts from a corporation whose former CEO was part of the above mentioned investigation. Plus, our Governor (elected in part to clean up all of the corruption) is now under investigation for abuse of office power and to top it off, the State Legislature just past a bill that competes directly with the major oil producers. (OK - that last item isn't so much part of the soap opera. It just sets the stage for an interesting couple of years to see how it plays out.)

Never a dull moment here!

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