Saturday, March 25, 2017

I Love Alaskans!

We went out for breakfast this morning. As mentioned before, the weather is turning and Spring is in the air.  That being said, it was 11F in the parking lot.  Sunny but still chilly.

Nine out of 10 people at the restaurant were in sweatshirts, long-sleeve shirts or t-shirts - no jackets.  There wasn't a winter coat to be seen.  Obviously, Spring has arrived whether the temps are cooperating or not!

And yes...I was one of the 9 people with out a winter coat on.  :P

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

We don't own a dog...we own a mountain goat!

We received 70+ inches of snow this year so far and because Yeti is approximately 18" tall, I shovel a path around the backyard for him.

 He loves to run around (zoomie) the track and jump up on top of the piles...until he finds a soft one and he fall through up to his belly.  Then it is struggle, struggle, struggle to get back to hard pack and start over.  It will be interesting the first time he goes over the fence and into the deep snow and can't get back.

He often takes a toy out with him.  Of course something else always catches his attention and his toy is left outside.  That's generally OK until he remembers it at 3 AM and feels the need to go rescue it. 

When it is really cold (9F or below), we usually put booties on him.  While not his favorite thing, he puts up with it now.  And whether or not he appreciates it, he doesn't get stuck with snow between his toes trying to hold up all four feet at the same time....

With the warm days and bright sun,we now have a glacier.  He has figured out not to jump off of the top step or he falls on his butt.  This too shall pass...soon...

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Library clean up

We have a lot of books. 

A lot of books we will never read again...such as Calculus and Managing Upward.

After YEARS of carting around the books, we are cleaning things out.  If feels good although, no one wants books anymore.  None of the local charities, libraries or schools are interested. Apparently everyone already got rid of a lot of their books and we are behind the times.

At least we have a recycling program we can participate in.  It does make me nauseous to toss books out that way.

But at least we can now put a bed in the library so guests don't have to sleep on the air mattress!

I guess I should say we have less books now...

Monday, March 20, 2017

Happy Spring!

( your mind think of trumpets blaring, announcing the coming of a royalty,,,)

Anchorage is supposed to have daytime high temperatures above freezing for the next 15 days,

Get ready for break up!!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Back to writing?

I sometimes have odd thoughts to share that may or may not be appropriate for FB.  But then...what is appropriate for FB?  Actually, I'm somewhat timed of  FB.  Too many ads and sometimes quite a bit of drama.

Oh wait...this wasn't supposed to be about FB...

Have you ever had the opportunity to lift weights with a dog?  It is always nice to have someone work out with you even if that someone is rather furry and short.  It can also be an additional challenge when said dog decides to sit on your hair while trying to do sit ups.  The first one is always a shock if you don't realize he's there.

Changing the bed sheets is now a form of aerobic exercise too.  How fast can I get the fitted sheet on before Yeti jumps up and dances around.  Of course, he's too fast and I can't catch him to get him off the bed.  And on the off chance I do catch him, he gets all pouty when he is banished from the bedroom until the work is done.

Anyway...I think I'll start writing again...maybe.. :)