Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Bears Survived Another Outing

Nope - I don't have a new black bear sofa throw. However, I am sure he brought home approximately 200lbs of mud on the ATV, packs and gun boot. All of the colors had turned into brownish gray. .

The funny part about the hunt was after they parked the ATVs and went up a hill on foot, a moose came by the and left a "deposit" right by the quads. They are probably lucky the moose didn't gnaw on some part! (Unless, of course, the quads were already covered in mud and the discriminating moose palette doesn't eat mud!) I am just glad he got home safe and sound!

My hunt however was more successful. I have new shoes and Squirt received a gourmet biscuit at a new canine store in town for being such a good guard dog all morning!

Sunday, we made our first (of many expected) trips to the nursery. Our tomato plants, cilantro and mint are hardening off as I type. Our chives are up and ready to use plus I found the first poppy flower just so close to blooming. All this means is I spent the rest of Sunday in the flower bed cleaning out the dead brush from last year. It actually took us part of Monday to finish. Just a few more days and dingy winter will be gone!

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