Sunday, August 17, 2008

Q: What is 95?

A: The number of pounds of fish we have in the freezer for the summer of 2008!

Friday we spent the day cruising around Resurrection and Aialik Bays looking for wildlife. Regardless of the continued crappy 2008 Alaska rain and fog, we did see Sea Otters, Dall's Porpoises surfing with our boat, Sea Lions, Aialik Glacier calving, Humpback Whales, Eagles eating salmon, Puffins, a host of other birds, and a small drama where a seal was laying on a iceberg and three Orcas were hunting for it. The seal survived yesterday (even though he kept rolling off of his little piece of ice) and the Orcas moved farther down the coast. Depending on how bad the pictures are due to rain on the lenses, I'll post some in the next couple of days. I truly enjoy looking for the animals!

Saturday, we went Silver Salmon and Halibut fishing in the Gulf of Alaska. It actually turned out to be a warm,dry day requiring only 2 layers of clothing instead of my customary 4. Robert and I both limited out on Halibut - 2 each, Silver Salmon - 3 each and Rockfish, aka Sea Bass, - 8 each. That equates to 12 lbs of Rockfish, 19.5 lbs of Halibut and 26 3/4 lbs of Salmon. I lost count of how many pink salmon I caught because now that we are connoisseurs, we really don't like that color! LOL!! Plus, we didn't need another 20 lbs of fish.

One of the most interesting parts of the day happened when a school of Dall's Porpoises (looking like miniature Orcas) decided to swim through our lines not once, not twice but three separate times. They were playing with us causing the Captain to worry one of us would snag one and loose the fishing pole. Luckily only one gentleman snagged a Dall and lost his hook. Dall's are right up there with watching Otters when it comes to animals that just appear to enjoy life.

All of these fish are fighters though and wear your butt out. OK - the halibut really isn't - they are just like pulling up a mattress off of the bottom of the ocean though. Regardless, it is a challenge sitting here typing today because my arms are SO tired!

Of course, all of this means...

FRESH halibut tonight and FRESH salmon tomorrow!!!

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