We also picked wild blueberries - once. We have a quart of them in the freezer.
And then there was the road construction issue. Our housing addition has only one "usable" entrance / exit. Not a problem until the DOT spends 4 days to repave the only street you have to use to turn in to the addition and threatens hour long delays! We do have a "back" fire exit for emergencies. Well, everyone in the addition (except the people on the cul-de-sac next to the emergency exit) considered the threat of hour long delays an "emergency". However the people in the neighboring housing addition did not. There was much gnashing of teeth, calling of authorities, people standing at the back exit and stopping cars arguing with drivers about using the bank road and closing the gates when no one was looking. So much for being neighborly - they're off my Christmas list! (Not that they were there, but now they definitely won't make it!)
And THEN there is the hint of fall... no wait... fall is here. Leaves are turning and then falling, the air has the briskness to it associated with fall, there is more snow in the mountains in the higher elevations and it is dark at night now. Really dark. Good thing I found a new winter coat on sale yesterday! (Of course I needed the new ski bibs also!) Wednesday is boiler check day - we still have our windows open but I want the furnace in good working order when it does get cold!
But the real question running through your minds is, "What does all of this have to do with jeopardizing the moose hunt???"
Good question.
Robert has been hobbling around this week unable to put weight on his right heel. I finally convinced him to seek medical advice. At the GP office, they took an x-ray and the Dr. came back shaking his head and said. "You have three of the biggest bone spurs I have a ever seen. I don't know what to do." After a round of general congratulating Robert for his over achievement, the Dr. gave us the name of three specialists to go to. Since it was Saturday, we couldn't make an appointment so there is no update yet on where this is going. However, for the medically inclined in the family, see the picture below. Those two "fangs" pointing downward and the arch pointing back from the heel aren't normal. We'll keep you posted on the moose hunting!
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