Friday, April 25, 2008

11th Snowiest Season - not any more!

After a solid week of high 40's and low 50's, with all of the snow gone except the big bladed piles, I sit here blogging away in a blizzard.


We have had another 10 inches of snow and expect another 5-6 before morning.

And this is a good...heavy....solid....wet snow. The kind that gives you an aerobic workout whether you are shoveling by hand or running the snow thrower around the drive.

Good thing Squirt got his summer haircut this morning at the groomers. He was actually shivering outside while shoveling snow. That is mostly because he stands and barks (explaining how I need to shovel differently) while I move the snow around so he can do his business.

And to think, we are getting 15 hours and 30 minutes of sunlight a day, our tulips, chives and poppies were green and growing. Hope it doesn't get too cold to set them back!

While out on our ATV trip to Sutton, Alaska last weekend, we saw lots of moose tracks and 2-3 bear dens. We weren't 100% sure they were bear dens, but if I was a bear, it is exactly where I would want to go for the winter. No one went in to check it out. However, the weather was beautiful and the trails mostly slushy snow. There were a couple of spots it was muddy and we were by the end of the trip.

Squirt went along with us but had to stay and guard the 4-Runner and trailer. It was kind of funny when we returned. Some person in a big, blue helmet opened the car door (me). He didn't know if he should protect or be happy.

Before this morning, Squirt was affectionately known as the "mud bug". His tummy was black from our walks and him throwing up mud when going through puddles. Now he is clean, white dog. Up until we take him for the next walk....then it will be back to mud bug status.

Our first set of company arrives 2 weeks from tomorrow...Hope most of the snow is gone or they will be surprised....and cold!

BTW - the bears are out and hungry!

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