Saturday, December 06, 2008

Return to Snow!

I forgot to mention, upon returning from holiday travel, we had a good 12-13" of snow on the ground ready to shovel. That was tons of fun dragging the suitcases through to get to the door. Lucky the cab didn't get stuck in the driveway.

We spent Tuesday morning digging out the sidewalks, deck, driveway and of course Squirt's paths. (Squirt was very appreciative of this!) Now when he is in the yard, he can barely see over the snow walls of his runs.

It has been warming up the last couple of days to the upper 20's - lower 30's. Just enough to create ice runs on the ski slopes (YUCK) and to allow for rain instead of snow. Today we are blessed with 30 degrees and a thin layer of ice on everything. I'm glad we ran errands yesterday!

Tomorrow we are off to a moving away party. Some of our good friends are headed back to warm country (Oklahoma). Their 3 huskies and malamute aren't very happy about the decision to move back south but I don't think they got to vote.

Squirt is still catching up on his sleep. It is tough having a college student for a dog sitter. I don't think he got his required 20 hour nap each day. He has however spent a lot of time guarding the presents under the Christmas tree. He understands what presents are and he is pretty sure there is at least one for him.

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