Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Next Challenge...

When I started telling people we were moving to Australia and that I was going to be on leave, one consistent question went along the lines of...aren't you nervous, scared, etc? 

The answer is no...I have always liked change - the new and unknown and how will I react, what decisions will I make.  Granted, this is one of the bigger personal changes I have been through but we moved to the one country most like the US and most likely the easiest to transition to.  People are VERY friendly and always helpful.  I am well known at the coffee shop and the hardware store.  Making daily trips to those vendors right now.

In fact, today's blog is a test of how well I can write in a public area.  Does writing take precedence over people watching?  Guess we will see by how well this is written?  

Oh look -  I digress...

I do have to admit.  I am apprehensive over the next challenge scheduled for this weekend.

Driving on the LEFT side of the road.


Even when I am in the passenger seat now, I concentrate on what to do if I was diving and panic because of the times I know I would have made the wrong decision.  The street markings are backwards to me and instead of the standard "look left, right and left again" rule, it is now "look right, left and right again".  (This is a good rule to remember crossing the street also.)

But I can't NOT drive here so I will hit this challenge head on and hopefully nothing else. I am going to give it a whirl this weekend.  At least in the neighborhood. And I am going to let Robert ride in the passenger seat to provide guidance.  :)

1 comment:

Lori Muir said...

You should have got the EXTRA LARGE washing machine! I love reading your blog so make sure you keep writing between laundry loads!