Monday, April 22, 2013

For the love of a recipe...collection...

I am a recipe hound. 

I am notorious for reading a magazine, spotting a recipe that sounds divine, ripping the page out (of course, only in my own magazines!), adding it to my stash of recipes on paper and then almost never making it because I forget I have it. 

I have now gone beyond ripping one page and just keep the magazine with the corners folded down thereby reducing paper cuts.

We know THOSE items will be tried!  (Previous sentence to be read with sarcasm.)

Since I brought my giant folder of recipes with me to Australia, one of my many projects while on leave is to organize and cull my pile of paper.

Today I started and came across so many memories.  My stash includes several hand written recipes from dear friends, many I have not seen in ages.  They bring to mind the dinners we gathered for on a weekend and dishes so scrumptious I just had to have the recipe.

In today's electronic world, do people still write out recipes by hand and give someone a copy?  Or similar to letter writing, is this becoming a lost custom? For me, seeing their handwriting is what brought back the memories...not necessarily the dishes.  For example, I knew instantly Eric and Vicki's pasta recipe and remember the night we gathered at their house to sample because I recognized the writing.

But now I have consigned my copies to the electronic world and will get rid of the paper.  There's a better chance I'll make the dish now since I can automatically search for it.  (Good thing I have a scanner!)

But in passing...thanks to all who contributed over the years to my collection.  I very much appreciate it!


Anonymous said...

Surprisingly the recipes I got from you are not your handwriting but photocopies of typed recipes, except the one from your mom that I hand wrote. I still use them every once in a while, and they DO bring back great memories! Cindy

RKM said...

I have a similar box of unused and forgotten about recipes. But those I DO use do bring memories. I still use a Gazpacho recipe handwritten by Gary Ramsey's wife, Vera. Sadly, they have both passed....