Monday, April 08, 2013

Where oh Where Did My Memory Go?

And just WHO gave it permission to periodically wander off?

Over the last few years, I saw my mother gradually descend into some type of dementia.  She had her good days and her bad days, as most do, but, in my mind, her bad days I witnessed - or the ones that stand out - were predominantly bad memory days vs physically painful days. 

I sometimes fear going through the same thing. 

I know memory capacity and capabilities change with time (i.e. aging) and I am starting to forget things and it drives me nuts because in my mind I am still a Spring Chicken!  Regardless of my age, "old age" doesn't happen for at least another 40 years.

I have once or twice asked the same question multiple times (or so Robert tells me).  I blame my failure to listen...but is that really the case?  Or are things starting to misfire?  Today, I was reminded of an entire conversation.  Maybe I just had too much on my mind that specific day.  Although, that seems a bit of a hard sell since my schedule doesn't currently include a job outside of our house...

If I hadn't seen what mother went through, I wouldn't think twice about it.  But now the thought hovers in the background when I'm reminded I forgot something. I guess on the bright (?) side, if I ever do travel the same path to the extent my mother did, I won't remember it...mostly just the good memories that span a lifetime!


Lori Muir said...

This is kind of sad! But you're right, you have LOTS of good memories that you can cherish. BTW, I have the same problem of forgetting things sometimes. Maybe they can put us in the nursing home together??!! If we can't remember the good memories, let's just make them up together. Can we find a nursing home on a nice, warm beach? Oh never mind, we will make that part up, too!

Back to Alaskan! said...

I'm good with that! :)