Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Fraser Island Dingos

YES - We saw the wild dingos on Fraser Island.  Supposedly the purest form of the Australian wild dog left.  Fraser is considered the largest sand island in the world.  Four wheel drive vehicles are the only vehicles allowed on the island and the sand roads are so deep, take a shovel because you will get stuck.  Beautiful rain forests, freshwater lakes and beaches.

Very skinny...

Warning signs everywhere to not interact with the dingos.  This one was willing to help haul in the catch.

But he ended up leaving...

75 Mile beach...which in reality is only 73 miles long.  No snorkeling due to sharks.  Speed limit 80km but drivers must give way to airplanes as it is also a runway. 

This is actually a picture of a stream.  The water is so clear though it won't show up in a picture...just looks like sand.

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