Thursday, April 18, 2013


I was originally going to call this post "Regrets" but I believe "regrets" are saved for the really big things in life.  Even with all the learning experiences (ie. mistakes) I have made, I have only one regret...everything else I have classified as trade-offs.

This morning's trade-off was to stay at the house a few minutes longer OR go walking sooner.  I kept thinking - need to get going before it gets hot.  However, I kept doing this and that - dishes, laundry, etc. 

When I finally got out the door it was about 7:40 and a beautiful morning:  15C/59F, bright sunshine.  It felt like 70.  Perfect walking weather. 

I went my normal route and stumbled, once again, into a wedding party.  (Who gets married this early on a Friday morning? Must have to catch a flight? Robert and I are in more wedding pictures these days.  Almost once a week we stumble into one.  During this time of year, it will be 2 or 3 a week.  And, of course, we always look spectacular for the occasion - shorts and t-shirts!)  If I had been any earlier, I probably wouldn't have seen the celebration. 

The flip-side? I missed the crew going to the yacht.  There is a big, beautiful yacht that anchors on the river by our house.  I have been waiting for the opportune time to figure out who owns it and introduce myself.  If I don't get on the boat and go for a ride, how else am I going to know if that is the boat I would purchase??? This boat is big enough to leave for months at a time and would require a crew to sail.  It was just pulling away when I walked by them. 

I would rather have met the yacht crew than be in the wedding pictures.

Oh well...maybe we will see them when they anchor...

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