Saturday, April 28, 2012

Estate Planning

For years we have bantered about the fact we need to do estate planning.  The conversation generally went something like:

“We should do something.”

“You’re right. We should do something.”

And then we would do something ELSE, forgetting about estate planning until the next time one of us thought of it. 

Now, because of the move overseas, we finally did our estate planning.  We completed it.  It is done and we don’t ever have to revisit it again unless we choose to.  And, of course, I will choose to.  We forgot to put any clauses in about pets owned at the time of our demise.  (I know – I know – HOW could I, who has ALWAYS considered her dogs the equivalent of children, have forgotten future pets!!!  I blame the move and additional stress of the last few weeks.)

As with any endeavor that involves planning, this one was a learning experience. Of course the one thing I learned that I actually remember is depending on how you structure things, the federal government could get a lot of money.  We avoided that structure.

Another part of this exercise was to complete our Medical Directive to Physicians.  This generated the most discussion between Robert and myself.   This is the document which states what we want to have done with regards to life support and added something to the effect of – we really really mean it. 

Those are tough conversations to have.  And, once you make the decision, the proper thing to do is to let your family know your wishes but even our lawyer said she has never talked to her family.  In today’s busy world, who wants to take the family together time (such as Christmas, Easter, etc,) to discuss death – even as it is a part of life.  Our family generally doesn’t.

Robert keeps telling me he will go before me.  I keep telling him if he dares to leave me like that, I am cremating him, putting him in a box and gluing the box to the dash of the car.  (Hopefully no one will mistake it for an ashtray.)

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