Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cost of living...

Apparently is pretty high in Brisbane.  For example, a 24 pack of diet coke in the local discount store is $25 AUD.  Guess I'll go back to drinking water - it's better for me anyway.  However, that price is better than the $4 you pay in a restaurant for a can.  A lot of the grocery store prices seem very similar to Alaska.  Regardless, I am going back to the US and stocking up on things like sunscreen, ziplocks, etc. so don't be surprised when there is an article in the Houston news about the run on dry goods at the local Wal-marts.

We have not yet heard if we have been accepted for the town house we put an application in for.  If we do get it, it is approximately 2 blocks from the path along the river, 4 blocks to a water taxi stop and about 4 miles from Robert's office.  He will have to drive through the city to get there.  It has rooftop access and you can see some of the city.  There is an SPCA close by for me to volunteer at along with lots of shops and cafes.  No yard though.  We will have to bring some AstroTurf in case we get a dog. :)

It is about 1/3 of the size of our current house.  MOST of our stuff will go into storage for the next couple of years.  We need to choose wisely on what we bring. and when we move again, it will be like having 2 different Christmas celebrations in one year.  :)  We go in a few minutes to measure the new space.  I should have pictures to post tomorrow. 

If we are turned down for a house, we have #2 and #3 picked out.  One is near the gov'ner's mansion and the other is an apartment on the river with beautiful city views.  The hard part will be which one to apply for.  I have a favorite but I am not certain RLT does...

More to come!

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