Saturday, March 31, 2012

Australian Zoo Day

Yes - once again - we go house hunting and end up doing something touristy!  But it just doesn't get any better than this!!!

We visited the Australia Zoo yesterday.  This is the one made famous by Steve Irwin (Crikey Mate) and his family (Terri, Bindi and Robert) still participates in the shows every day.  It is one of the best zoo's I have been to for animal interaction.  They had a Tasmanian Devil on a leash, the Cheetah, the Dingos, a couple of lizards (OK - they weren't on a leash).  The shows were interesting and the animals VERY active.  We either hit the right day or they work with the animals more than any other zoo I have been to in order to make it interesting and to keep people coming back.  If you ever make it to Brisbane - this is a must do!!!

An Echnidna.  While no relation (to my knowledge) to a hedgehog, they sure look like one!

 Big Salty Crocodile.  Terri Irwin is standing just on the left.  They are trying to get the croc to strike.  They have several in tanks behind the stadium (The Croceseum) and I believe they use a different croc each day of the week.  That way they can control their diet and make sure they stay a little peckish.

 A wombat.
 And should my Koala Hugging Career fail, I can always feed the Roos!
 Check out their claws (yes, I got a tiny bruise).

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