Of course there was the traditional midway with rides and tons of food spots which definitely had a greater slant towards halibut, salmon and other seafood than we normally see in the Oklahoma or Texas fairs. We bought a few snacks and a few odds and ends including a Christmas present, fish batters, a baby present and most importantly, two smoked turkey legs wrapped up for dinner last night. Those were pretty darn good.
One of my favorite things the fair brings is the animals and now, here in Alaska, the vegetables. We watched the little tykes running around after piglets, goats, calves and ducks in the petting zoo. (I forgot to borrow a small child for the afternoon to be able to go in.) There were 3 day old piglets to see, baby chickens hatching, lops to pet, turkeys to stare at and we happened on a girl trying to catch a goat in a pen set up with rocks for the goats to climb on. That was entertaining.
Then we found the BIG VEGETABLE exhibit. They weren't kidding. The pictures below don't do them justice. It would have been better if we could have actually picked these up or at least been able to climb on the exhibit to help provide perspective but hopefully you will get the idea. I have attached local newspaper articles to help if they were available....
Here are the 87 lb cabbages (and yes - there were at least 2)
Here is the world record kale at 105 lbs (link is a video).
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