Sunday, May 27, 2007

Living without windows...

Here we are in, what from all appearances so far, is paradise and we are without windows.

They are painting our house this week and instead of doing it with a brush it is being sprayed on. Right now, everything not wood is covered in plastic or removed from the house. It started Thursday with a power wash of the house. (John the painter said Squirt did not like that at all.) Friday and Saturday were taken with prep work (scraping and masking). Unfortunately, the paint store wasn't ready with our 40 gallons so they will be back on Monday to finish prep and then start actually painting Tuesday. Hopefully the weather will hold and thank goodness we did this early in the season before it got hot (you know - in the 70s). I really miss the views and this can't be done fast enough.

Robert and I have gone crazy with flower baskets and planting stuff in the flower beds. I'll take some spring pictures once the plastic is off of the house!

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