Friday, May 11, 2007

Baking Dog Biscuits

I can't believe it has been over a week since I last posted something. The days fly by when the sun is out so much!!

Today is my day off and I had planned on getting ready for the addition garage sale next week. However, I have been fighting what I think is a dislocated shoulder since mid February (no I don’t know how I did it) and yesterday I think the chiropractor may have finally gotten it back into place. Anyway, I am doing non-lifting things today in an attempt to let it heal.

One of those non-lifting things is baking dog cookies. As I mentioned before, Squirt is supposed to be on a really strict diet of no dog treats. While Robert and I decided he could have some dog treats, we are going to minimize what he gets and substitute a dog biscuit made out of Science Diet. Today’s recipe is as follows:

Preheat oven to 250
Open can of soft U/D dog food
Cut into rounds about ¼” thick
Cut each round into fourths
Spray cookie sheet
Place dog food pieces onto cookie sheet
Bake for 4-6 hours turning once after 3 hours

Squirt and I are into hour 4 of the baking and all of the windows are open because this stuff stinks. I was going to be creative and make actual biscuit shapes but the food was too disgusting to mess with for very long.

Needless to say – the house is cold.

The Nenana Ice Classic is over. There were 22 winners splitting over $302,000. Neither Robert nor I were one of the winners. Luckily, there is next year as I am sure the river will freeze again.

I happened to be up this morning at 12:15am taking aspirin (see shoulder comment) and was amazed at how light it still was in the north. Looking out the south windows, it was dark but looking out the north windows, it was still light enough to read by. I haven’t checked lately but I would guess we are getting about 17 hours of sunlight now. I am getting better at sleeping when the sun is up.

Last Saturday and Sunday were labeled "Flower Bed Clean up Days". It took both days and 9 garbage bags to cut out all of the dead stuff. Multiple people stopped by and expressed how beautiful our flower beds had alwasy been in the past. They will proabaly be disappointed this year. Besides the raspberry thicket, we found 4 black currant berry bushes. We have decided the previous owners wanted the bears to stop by for snacks as we have lots of things to draw them to our yard.

Our bicycles are now tuned and ready to go. I opted to have treaded tires put on mine instead of slicks. I don't plan to do any road racing while here. :) The first ride in several years was Tuesday night. We went up hill number one and I was averaging 2 pants per tire rotation in granny gear. After reaching the top Robert wanted to know if I wanted to go home or go to the next hill. Always up for a challenge, of course I said “I can go!” At the top of the second hill I said “I’m ready to go home.” Coming down the hills was GREAT. I don’t know how fast we were going but I was really enjoying it until Robert said “Watch out for moose.” I am sure the moose would win if I should ever hit one on a bike path! I think I heard him say he is going to get a GPS for our bikes – that will make 4 for our family. You can never have too many!

1 comment:

Bill said...

I ate dog biscuits as a kid.

No, you are not surprised.