Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Bad News from the Dog Treat Front

We just returned from the vet for stitch removal and Squirt received terrible news....no more treats. No more steak bones, biscuits (regular or chocolate covered), chips, snausges or rawhide. He feels so bad he came right in, nested in his dog bed and went to sleep (right after I gave him a guilt biscuit because he can't have them any more and he hadn't had one for two weeks).

Of course this is harder on Robert and myself than it is Squirt. We are pretty sure he has been asking all the other dogs he sees if they still get treats. The vet suggested I try buying the soft food (he normally eats dry) and baking "cookies" out of it. They say it smells the house up but dogs think it is a treat due to the texture difference. Squirt is pretty smart though so I only bought 2 cans. We'll see if he takes one bite and spits it out.

One of these weekends, we will have a ceremonial last biscuit event and explain to him it's tough getting older. Then we will bake some of the new ones and sneak the other ones out of the house to a good home.


Anonymous said...

That's horrible news! I don't think I could do it....or I'd become a dog-food cookie baking fool! You'll have to send me the recipe so I can bake him some for Christmas!

Bret said...

No Snausages? Doesn't that count as cruel and unusual punishment?

Baked Ken-l Ration? Now that I *know* is.