Sunday, May 20, 2007

I was mistaken....

Last fall, several asked what moose droppings look like. I described them as a pile of golf balls. (Of course, I had only seen them in the dark and I didn't really do a close inspection.) Since then, the snow has melted, the sun is out when I am and I have come across many many more nuggets. To set the record strait, they look more like a pile of pecans. In fact, a brand new Cheechako could easily wonder who left a pile of pecans on a trail...up until they kick them. I never fell for that.

And yes, I have been called cheechako by several over the winter. I don't know how long you have to be here to become a Sourdough but I personally think one winter should do it. :) Although, cheechako has a nicer ring to it than sourdough...

We saw serious sun yesterday - it was warm enough to sit out side without a jacket for hours and luckily because of the garage sale, we had an excuse to do just that. I finally have a little color back on my face and arms. Today looks to be exactly the same. A good day to plant flowers. I hope it is warm enough for shorts and a tank top!

The mountains are beautiful in the winter with the snow on them but, in the summer, the valley is going to be incredible. It has been a long time since I lived in a location that actually had a winter where all of the green left and a spring when it all comes back. I look forward to discovering what flowers we have in our gardens!

BTW - we didn't sell everything yesterday but we got rid of a lot. After we tally what is left, it will get boxed up and go to charity.

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