Thursday, December 27, 2012

Translation Revelation

In the past, I have discussed some of the vernacular differences between the US and Australia.  And after only 8 months of living here, I finally figured out one of the street signs.  It was one of those..."you idiot"... moments.

There are a lot of signs around the city with a circle containing an "S" with a slash across it.  I have known from the start that meant no standing.

What I couldn't figure out was why people would stand in those locations.  It made absolutely no sense.

Talk about being too literal...the light bulb finally came on.

No standing means no waiting in a car for someone  - blocking that area of the street.

Luckily I have never waited in a no standing zone because with my luck a policeman would have come and asked me what I was doing.  And after seriously explaining I was waiting - not physically standing, I would have gracefully accepted my ticket with minimal arguments hoping I wouldn't get a second one for not knowing the road signs.  :)

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