Sunday, November 18, 2012

Greatest Birthay Present Ever

Well - in My Humble Opinion...

I took Robert to the Australian Zoo Friday for his animal encounter with the wombats.  He is fascinated with these animals and if it was possible, we would have one for a pet.  Unfortunately, we don't have a large yard and it would probably dig through the walls and floors never mind the fact I think it is illegal to actually own one here.  Plus, I'm not sure I could get it back to the States!

As long as they were eating, no problems.  Once finished, they were a little skittish.  Interestingly enough, they have a hard piece of cartilage on their back that the keeper knocked on.  If I had been knocked about like that, I would have probably said something but these guys and girls just continued to eat.
 Robert and Tonka
Southern wombat on the left (soft coat), Common on the right (coarse coat). They enjoy back scratches.  As it happens, the Common wombat in this picture has a joey in her pouch but it is too tiny to see.
 Close up!
 As a bonus, we saw this koala joey hanging out with Mom.

While he had fun, I'm not sure Robert thought it was the BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER but that's MY story and I'm sticking to it. :)

1 comment:

Lori said...

Those guys are so cute! I'm glad you both enjoyed the day. I hope Robert's card made it in time.