Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Oh how the wind doth blow....

Yesterday's high gust was 86 mph.

Today's high gust was 74 mph.

And once again, the grill meandered across the deck and our windows sounded like they were going to pop out of the frames. Luckily we still have our screens - others aren't so lucky!

This is just like breakup. Our temps have been in the high 30's to low 40's and everything is muddy, sandy, grimy and just all around ugly. Our driveway and sidewalks didn't get warm enough to dry off and now are sheets of ice. Looks like we get to do this at least two times this year as Friday morning it is supposed to be 5 degrees. All we need is a good 2 feet of snow to straighten things out!

On a brighter note....

Fur Rondy Countdown - 30 days
Iditarod Countdown - 38 days

Let the dogs get ready to run!

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