Thursday, January 17, 2008

Meandering Moose

(Fur Rondy Countdown - 36 days)
(Iditarod Countdown - 43 days)

Ya' gotta' love it!

Driving home tonight on one of the 4 lane "bypasses", there were a lot of cars slamming on breaks, slowing down, etc. on the two main lanes and the exit ramp. We couldn't see a wreck of any type but as we got closer, we realized what was going on.

There was Bullwinkle meandering smack dab in the middle of the exit ramp. He was looking from side to side, checkin' thing out, curious about all of the commotion going on. At least no one hit him or anyone else!

In other news, we applied for the Permanent Fund today! Since we have lived in state for one full calendar year and meet a host of other requirements, we can say we own a share of the natural resources (oil & gas) leaving the state. This means we get to share the benefits and should receive a check in October or so. That's when all of the fun sales start on cars, ATVs, and other big ticket items. Talk about an inflow of cash to the economy!

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