Sunday, January 20, 2008

Break up is here early???

What's going on? The snow is melting! Part of our deck is bare wood! Has breakup arrived?'s a fluke setting us up for more snow. We are in a high wind warning (up to 85mph late this afternoon) and the front is moving in. I expect more snow later and with winds this high, I don't think we will walk today.

By the way, the wind has changed our lighted poodledeer back into a reindeer again.

The last two days have been very nice here at mid-hillside. Mid 20's with the occasional breakthrough of sun. I am sure the slopes up the hill from us are rather icy now.

Squirt received a bath, brush and comb yesterday. He is one fluffy dog right now. Soon he will require some trimming. I just hate to do that when it is below freezing out.

Speaking of Squirt, I don't think I mentioned that his favorite dog sitter of all time (right after Grandma) lives here in Alaska. She takes him everywhere with her. He goes on sleep overs at her house (where there is a kitty to play with), he goes to her parents where there is another Bichon and sometimes a grandchild to play with, he went grocery shopping with her one day and he ate the bread, etc. When we went Outside (translation - not in the state of Alaska) for Thanksgiving, MB stopped by to pick him up. When she came through the door he was so happy we couldn't get a word in for his barking. She asked him if he wanted to go for a ride and he ran out the door, down the steps, hopped into the truck and never looked back.

Since then I have wondered if my mother felt the same thing I did as I was leaving for college...out the door, down the steps, into the truck and didn't look back?? (OK - I at least waved...)

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