Thursday, August 02, 2007

Chugach Bear Sighting

It was so pretty Sunday night, we opted to go look for moose in the Chugach Park at Power Line Pass. We expected lots of people to be there (expectations met) and decided Squirt could safely go with us without his bear bell due to the noise everyone else makes.

Sure enough, we arrived at the parking lot and it was packed. Several cars parked along the road outside of the lot – ever the challenge to get in to and out of the lot without the need to back up on a curvy mountain road.

As we start off to our normal path, a group of 5 million tourists head down the path just in front of us. Pondering our choices, we opted to explore a path we hadn’t been on before. Excellent choice! It is a much nicer path to walk on, not as heavily used plus it comes out at exactly the same place the “usual” one does. The sun was in the Northwest and there were heavy dark clouds over the mountains. By the time we reached the overlook to the valley, we actually heard thunder. Somewhere back there, it was raining hard.

However, there were no moose to be found. It must have been too hot (70 degrees) for them to be up and moving. We waited and watched for about 10 minutes (way past Squirt’s attention span) and decided to head back to the car.

One last glance …


what is that…

Do you see that black spot over there? Was that there before? Is it a bush or an animal?

It’s moving…

Very rapidly…

Wow – A bear! (no wonder the moose aren’t out)

Black or brown?


And then it was gone in the bushes. (I need a better zoom lens on the camera!!!)

We watched a little longer to see if the bear comes out on the path the people were on but he was not to be seen by us again.

Once again we turned to go

And that’s when the lone bull moose stepped out from behind the bushes in the valley.

All and all a great Sunday evening!

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