Sunday, July 29, 2007

Summer Harvest Starts

We have heard for years about the phenomenal vegetables grown here in Alaska due to the many hours of daylight in the summer. The season is short, but we get 20 hours of growing light during the season. So far that has been true of the Rhubarb. I don’t know how many stalks we have cut off of our one plant but it keeps coming.

The apples are looking good – well on their way to edible.

We have the biggest clover I have ever seen in my life. The stalks are about the size of a green onion stem. I filled two trash bags with clover today.

We have chives daily from the garden.

I picked the first quart of raspberries today. I picked two of them the other night as a test which Robert promptly ate calling them good. (Wonder if they make a raspberry picker??)

Apparently though, tomatoes prefer SUNSHINE over just plain daylight. We have spent a fortune between purchasing plants, watering, fertilizing and they are just LOADED with little green tomatoes. They have been for weeks and continue to put them on.

Finally - today – we picked our first two little guys. Here are our $80 tomatoes. Aren't they gorgeous?

Of course to put the size in perspective.

They were very tasty!

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