Wednesday, April 01, 2015

My Butterfly Effect

While the general understanding of the "Butterfly Effect" taken from chaos theory goes something like...a flap of a butterflies wings can cause a tornado two continents definition is something a little different.

My butterflies are more in line with the following:  I am on a mission to get something done and then I see a butterfly and it takes me down a different path.

Case in point:  Last week I heard the washer buzz indicating the clothes were ready to transfer to the dryer.  When passing through the kitchen I noticed the package of meat on the counter thawing (butterfly #1) and decided I should check it first. The meat was ready to go back in the fridge but I needed to check the pantry (across from the LAUNDRY room) to make sure I had all of the ingredients (butterfly #2) for dinner. I discovered I needed to run to the grocery store and I went back to the kitchen to make a list (butterfly #3).  Upon passing the dishwasher I noticed the dishes were clean (butterfly #4) and needed to be put away (butterfly #5).  While I was at the sink, I took time to wash the breakfast skillet (butterfly #6). Then, out of the blue unrelated to anything in the kitchen, I remembered an email I needed to send (butterfly #7) and went back to the office.

The result:  Two hours later I remembered the clothes needed to be moved to the dryer...

This is also a part of my exercise regime when the stairs are involved.  :P

1 comment:

Lori Muir said...

This runs in the family....I do the exact same thing all the time!