Thursday, April 09, 2015

And the demolition begins...

Since we are now in our retirement home, we have started on the top 20 projects to make it perfect. 

So far we have added a pantry, remodeled the laundry room, new garage door openers, upgraded the water heater and replaced the carpet.

Today we are adding some ceiling fans (more to come) and starting demolition on the deck in preparation for the rebuild and expansion. 

Soon we will have our generator and the outside of the house will be painted.

Still on the list is an additional garage, greenhouse, landscaping, remodeling all of the bathrooms and the front entryway, painting all of the inside rooms and change out the kitchen stove.

We should be able to get this finished in the next 5 years or so...  :P

Well...we don't want to be bored...

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