Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Snow arrived again today!

After a good - 3 shovel Saturday, we had a "snow squall" this afternoon.

Hadn't been in one of those before.

The sky turned black - just like a good, old Southern thunderstorm. The fog moved in - I couldn't see anything out of my office window.

Except - it wasn't fog. In a matter of minutes, we had 2 new inches of snow on the cars in the parking lot. (Time to find the scraper!) Complete white out conditions in the Anchorage Bowl. Traffic going home today actually reminded me of Houston...

After dinner, Squirt and I headed out to shovel the deck. I think Squirt wanted to go play as after only one toss of snow, he was ready to go inside. He then proceeded to watch all of the work from his perch on the couch. Oh the irony of it...there I was shoveling trails in the yard for the dog and there he was watching from the nice comfy couch.

He has me trained well.

1 comment:

Bill said...

Hey, did you know you're the number one Google hit for the search "Novice Alaskan?"

Well done!

Now, you need to work on being number one for "moose fetish."

Good luck on that.

p.s. the Irish Soda bread is quick and easy, like corn bread, but only lasts a couple of meals, well, like corn bread.