Wednesday, May 08, 2013

First day with the Koalas!

Monday I started my Australia career...

I volunteered at the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary and had a GREAT time. I washed LOTS of koala perches, changed out their eucalyptus and watched the little guys and girls run around. I can tell you they move pretty fast and, as with all animals, they each have their own personality.

Hugo did laps around his pen and stood at our feet while we cleaned.  It was almost like he wanted to be picked up and held.  I met another young lady that has a joey in her pouch getting ready to emerge any day now.  One enclosure came with the warning, they get a little touchy, don't be surprised if they take a swipe at you. 

In another enclosure, when filling the water containers, it was feeding time.  They love fresh eucalyptus and understand when it is coming. Two of them came running to the door and were waiting...severely disappointed when all I had was water.

I hope to one day graduate to working with the koalas in the picture area.  While that does come with working directly with the public, I could hold them during the day.  I did get a chance to hold one Monday that was throwing a tantrum and didn't want to be held by anyone.  It didn't work out and he he had to go back to his tree.

The only down side to this adventure so far has been the physical labor -  26 years at a desk job has taken it's toll.  I am just getting over being sore.  :P

I was right next to so many precious animals Monday it was amazing.  Can't wait until next week!

1 comment:

Lori Muir said...

I can't wait to hear more stories about this adventure!