Thursday, July 05, 2012

Working Through our History

Day 13 of cleaning and sorting.  As mentioned before, our parents grew up in the depression and were very very poor (who wasn't during those times??).  They saved everything and while it has been a dusty, grimy exercise, it has also been very interesting.   

I have also learned we have inherited the "30's depression gene".  There are so many items here and we can't possibly take everything but neither can we throw anything away that someone else may need and can use.  SO, we have schedule an estate sale this weekend. 

I am also amazed at what was picked out of the dumpsters. Here we are - thinking the items were done for - no one could possibly get any more use out of it and had been tossed in the dumpster - and someone took them.   I hope they get many long years of further use.

The hardest thing for me has been going through Daddy's desk and files.  I found every receipt for this house built in the early 60's.  All of us now have all of our grade cards from kindergarten through college.  I found our original Social Security cards, every pay stub from 194? through his retirement, every tax return, etc. etc. 

And do we ever have photographs to go through. Boxes and Boxes.  Sadly, there aren't many relatives left who can tell us the characters in the older pictures.  We are now the oldest generation and I expect we have lost some of our family history.  (Although, the entire room of genealogy documentation would beg otherwise.  :) )

I am so thankful I have siblings, in-laws, nieces and nephews. All have pitched in to help and to share the memories with.  This would be a 6 month job if one person had to accomplish it alone.

Speaking of which, I best get back to work before I'm busted drinking coffee and blogging...  Until next time!

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