Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Bear Rug is Here

Finally...after months of is finished! As you can see below, Squirt wasn't too sure about it. In fact, the first night, we had to go check on it as we went by going to bed to make sure it hadn't moved. THEN the next morning, he stood at the top of the steps pointed toward the bedroom, sniffing to see if it was OK. I had to turn on the light for him to go check to make sure the bear hadn't moved. In fact, for 5 days in a row, I had to turn the light on each morning for him to check to make sure the bear hadn't moved. hasn't moved.

Now we just have to make sure our new house has a place for it to hang!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Squirt is so expressive and entertaining! You can just see those wheels turning in his head. Great pictures! C.T.