Saturday, May 02, 2009

What a beautiful day!

It is sunny and warm (47 last time I checked)! No wind - no jacket - a shorts day already! Plus there were 3 moose running around the neighborhood this morning providing entertainment while I was eating my bagel. What a GREAT way to start the day.

Squirt has company this week. Petey, a tiny little Yorkie is staying with us for a couple of days. I think he weighs about 3 lbs. I love watching the dynamics between the two of them. Squirt is very laid back and willing to share everything - for a time period. Then when Petey doesn't understand the time period is over, Squirt goes and lays by the wall and pouts. Or when Squirt is getting attention and Petey doesn't want to be on the same lap, he turns his back to you and stares at the wall. Petey normally lives in the country is not used to the nightly "city" noises - cars / people etc. That first night there was much growling and barking, to the point I'm pretty sure Squirt even told him to be quiet. Squirt made up for it though by barking at him the entire day on Thursday. No rest for the guard dog!

With us setting record temps this week (upper 60's), I started cleaning out the flower beds. I almost waited too long as there are a lot of things budding and spouting. Unfortunately, I clipped a volunteer lilac bush. To make up for it though, I sacrificed one of the soaker hoses. Chopped it right in two. One less thing to move!

We have a black bear and her two cubs hanging around the neighborhood now. Guess it's time to take down the bird feeder!

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