Entering into this break-up season marks our third full winter in Alaska and so far, I had no reason to be responsible for clearing the drive or sidewalks with the snow thrower. Luckily, Robert was here each time it needed to be used.
That was, until a couple of weeks ago.
Yes, as soon as he got on the plane, it started to snow and didn't stop until about 4-6 inches later. Of course, I didn't know this until the next morning which happened to be a Monday. GREAT - I will have to come home from work shovel the deck, clear a path in the year and figure out the snow thrower. Good thing I am always up for a challenge.
I believe our first winter here, I had approximately 20 minutes of instructions on how to run the thrower. Ever the Grasshopper, I had my scrap of paper and wrote down the 8 important steps I would need to know (neglecting to mark where the steps went from "how to start" to "how to stop"). Then I went back inside, filed my piece of paper for emergencies and promptly sat down in front of the fire.
Now it was time to pull out my scrap of paper and put it to good use.
1. Fill with gas - I opened the tank and it looked like there was gas. No need to do that.
2. Wheel to outside - completed
3. Plug in - Now where do we store the electric cord. If I was a cord I would be right around here. Hum...OK - I'll just use an extension cord.
I get the nearest 60 foot, heavy duty, heavier than the dog, extension cord and plug it in.
4. Choke to the right - wonder which button is the choke? Well, there is only one button that has a left/right - I'll guess that one.
5. Idle bar up - Good thing the choke wasn't up/down.
6. Prime 2 times - got it.
7. Push start button - why isn't it starting? Stupid machine. Simple instructions, where did I go wrong? Double check steps 4 - 7. Are the other neighbors shoveling? Wait - what if I push the choke the other way...Oh good - it started.
8. Choke down low...good grief - this thing isn't running well. Oh- that must be how to turn it off!
We're running now! Too bad the snow is so wet that it just clumps up in the chute.
Are the other neighbors shoveling? Looks like about 20% of them are. Guess I won't - it will melt in a few days.
Happy Easter Everyone!