Sunday, October 21, 2007

The pumpkin didn't make it....

Nope - from all appearances, juvenile delinquents carried it along our sidewalk and then smashed it in front of our terrace wall. Robert cleaned it up and placed the broken halves strategically in our front flower bed and we are now calling it compost.

I'm beginning to think pumpkin may only be an emergency ration for moose as I found tracks in our yard this morning. (Very easy to see the big indentions on the frozen tundra.) I didn't follow them around to see if they waltzed by the buffet but the compost hasn't moved.

We used our 4-wheel drive yesterday to go play in the snow. The roads climbing the mountain were a little slick and no less than six cars were in the ditch because either they weren't properly equipped for the conditions or they forgot how to drive over the summer. A tow truck could make a mint there. Most were trying to use ratchet tie downs and trees to get them out. Very dangerous - but not a dangerous as the kids snowboarding down the road itself.

Once again, Squirt had a blast even when we were walking through the heavy snow storm to the pass. We saw two moose and what seemed like 50,000 cross country skiers.

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