Friday, March 30, 2007

The Sportsman's show adventure

I spent most of the day in the car – or so it seemed – looking for parking spaces. Parking is a challenge in this city. There isn’t enough of it and it only gets worse now until winter as tourist season starts soon and the first boat (read 3500 passenger cruise ship) arrives in about 3 weeks.

Squirt went to the beauty parlor today – no problem parking as we were the first to drop off. Pick up required me to 4 wheel drive onto a melting muddy snow bank to go in. Plus, against instructions, they clipped him. I paid a whole lot of money (4 times Houston prices) for a poodle clip (which is why I clip him with the traditional and highly sought after Trosper original cut – at least then he doesn’t look like a poodle). Squirt is very embarrassed right now (ok – actually he’s asleep). They even put bows in his ears. He is really more of a bandana type dog. (I miss the Houston groomer.)

Since later I was headed to the Great Alaskan Sportsman’s show, I thought I had better get a little more cash. I circled the bank about 4 times and finally found a spot relatively close. Hopped out, went inside the building. Wouldn’t you know it, they don’t open early on Friday’s. I had 30 minutes to wait. I decided the sportsman show could take a credit card if I really had to have something or I didn’t really need it.

I had a few minutes before the show started and needed to run further downtown to pick up my mukluks. I circled around the block a couple of times looking for a spot that only cost a quarter instead of one of the $5 all day kind and found one – right in front of the store. Unfortunately, the idiot cabby behind me wasn’t paying attention and pulled close enough behind me I didn’t have room to parallel park. (Don’t you just sometimes wish it was legal to hit an incompetent driver with a paint ball?) Upon circling around and going down a different side street, I was able park relatively close. I didn’t come home with the mukluks though…the liners need some work. Maybe tomorrow.

Now to Friday’s main event….The Great Alaskan Sportman’s show. The show opened on Thursday night and I figured the real diehards would go then and with most people working on Friday, it wouldn’t be too crowded. After all, this plan has worked well with the home show and the Christmas crafts. The doors opened at noon and I got there about 12:30. After circling the arena 3 times and not finding a single parking spot I went to the free shuttle bus. Even there I had to park in a different lot as the shuttle parking was full. I eventually got in the doors at about 1:30pm.

Where was my head? This crowd doesn’t compare to the home show or the Christmas crafts show. (Hum….maybe I shouldn’t be surprised.) It is wall to wall people – mostly men looking at stuff (fishing poles, fish lures, guns, boats, fishing poles, bear fences, guns, ATVs - oh and did I mention guns and fishing equipment?). I have to admit, I hit every fishing charter outfit getting the information about when the best time for go halibut and king salmon fishing. In fact, I almost signed us up for a trip but thought it would probably be smarter to check calendars first. After all, we own a chest freezer downstairs just waiting for a halibut and fresh salmon.

One of us (Robert) is very interested in ATV’s we can take to the back country. I asked a lot of questions, looked at several, picked one out – or at least a brand if not the exact model. Ok, Ok – I think it would be a lot of fun too until that first trip where we broke down in the middle of nowhere (which is most of the state) and had to walk 20 miles.

However, I only left with lots of information for animated discussions when Robert gets off work later! :)

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