Two "Southern Midwesterners" moved to Alaska, back to Houston, off to Brisbane and now retiring back in Alaska!
Friday, March 30, 2007
The Sportsman's show adventure
Squirt went to the beauty parlor today – no problem parking as we were the first to drop off. Pick up required me to 4 wheel drive onto a melting muddy snow bank to go in. Plus, against instructions, they clipped him. I paid a whole lot of money (4 times Houston prices) for a poodle clip (which is why I clip him with the traditional and highly sought after Trosper original cut – at least then he doesn’t look like a poodle). Squirt is very embarrassed right now (ok – actually he’s asleep). They even put bows in his ears. He is really more of a bandana type dog. (I miss the Houston groomer.)
Since later I was headed to the Great Alaskan Sportsman’s show, I thought I had better get a little more cash. I circled the bank about 4 times and finally found a spot relatively close. Hopped out, went inside the building. Wouldn’t you know it, they don’t open early on Friday’s. I had 30 minutes to wait. I decided the sportsman show could take a credit card if I really had to have something or I didn’t really need it.
I had a few minutes before the show started and needed to run further downtown to pick up my mukluks. I circled around the block a couple of times looking for a spot that only cost a quarter instead of one of the $5 all day kind and found one – right in front of the store. Unfortunately, the idiot cabby behind me wasn’t paying attention and pulled close enough behind me I didn’t have room to parallel park. (Don’t you just sometimes wish it was legal to hit an incompetent driver with a paint ball?) Upon circling around and going down a different side street, I was able park relatively close. I didn’t come home with the mukluks though…the liners need some work. Maybe tomorrow.
Now to Friday’s main event….The Great Alaskan Sportman’s show. The show opened on Thursday night and I figured the real diehards would go then and with most people working on Friday, it wouldn’t be too crowded. After all, this plan has worked well with the home show and the Christmas crafts. The doors opened at noon and I got there about 12:30. After circling the arena 3 times and not finding a single parking spot I went to the free shuttle bus. Even there I had to park in a different lot as the shuttle parking was full. I eventually got in the doors at about 1:30pm.
Where was my head? This crowd doesn’t compare to the home show or the Christmas crafts show. (Hum….maybe I shouldn’t be surprised.) It is wall to wall people – mostly men looking at stuff (fishing poles, fish lures, guns, boats, fishing poles, bear fences, guns, ATVs - oh and did I mention guns and fishing equipment?). I have to admit, I hit every fishing charter outfit getting the information about when the best time for go halibut and king salmon fishing. In fact, I almost signed us up for a trip but thought it would probably be smarter to check calendars first. After all, we own a chest freezer downstairs just waiting for a halibut and fresh salmon.
One of us (Robert) is very interested in ATV’s we can take to the back country. I asked a lot of questions, looked at several, picked one out – or at least a brand if not the exact model. Ok, Ok – I think it would be a lot of fun too until that first trip where we broke down in the middle of nowhere (which is most of the state) and had to walk 20 miles.
However, I only left with lots of information for animated discussions when Robert gets off work later! :)
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Dog Bootie Phenomenon
Above and beyond the mentioned phenomenon....we have Squirt's Limo back. HOORAY!!! No more driving the tank.
Squirt and I have been terribly busy today (sadly Robert has to work). We got up at 8 am (early for Saturday), did the grocery shopping, made a Walmart run, filled the car with gas and got bagels for breakfast. Once home, we started and continued the laundry, cleaned out the refrigerator, reorganized the pantry and caught the first half of the NCAA tourney game.
It’s 2pm – now what. It is done snowing for now, dumping about an inch or so on the driveway. Should I go fire up the snow thrower and clean the driveway??? It has been very sunny and even though below freezing snow has been melting. Plus, if it snows later today I would hate to do it two times for such little amounts…..I know, we will walk down and get the mail.
Getting them mail on a Saturday afternoon requires going the long way (especially when it is sunny and fresh powder on the ground). I bundle up and dress Squirt (blue halter, orange boots and purple retractable leash – good thing dogs aren’t fashion conscious) and off we go.
One thing you can count on when walking Squirt, he ALWAYS poops. We go through little blue biodegradable scooper bags like a grocery store goes through plastic sacks. Today was no different. There we were, walking on the path in the fresh clean snow and Squirt stops. Being the civic minded neighbor, I dutifully pull out a sack, getting ready to scoop. Since moving north, Squirt has really taken to trying to cover these things up. FYI – dogs with booties have the equivalent of ping-pong paddles for feet when standing in freshly fallen snow. He ran about two feet forward and as I was getting ready to pick up, he started scratching. By the time he was done, he had missed his deposit but successfully covered my legs from the knees down with a healthy layer of snow which stayed on for the next mile and ½ until we got home. I couldn’t see where my jeans ended and my boots began.
On our walks, I always look for animal tracks, trying to see what has been wandering around the neighborhood. Today, I looked at Squirt’s “paddle” tracks and from all appearances someone dragged something along just on top of the snow. There is no way you can tell a dog made them.
I just checked the weather. It is supposed to be 35 and sunny by Wednesday. No need to throw any snow yet!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Bumper Sticker for the Day
VEGETARIAN – Eskimo Word For Bad Hunter
Are you starting to see a trend in bumper sticker ideals?
Bullwinkle sightings are on the rise. We have had so much snow and above average lengths for cold snaps (coldest March on record) more moose than normal are coming down from the mountains to feast on tasty shrubbery in the city. Friday we had two across the street from our house (Squirt talked to them from the tank). Saturday, we saw two coming home from a friend’s house, Sunday there was one on a nearby main drag and Monday, there was one close to Seward Highway plus (BONUS) one was sunning herself on the football field we walk by regularly. Squirt got to see one from the street instead of the car or house. We left though when the Husky started trying to herd it and the moose lunged for the Husky. (People really should use leashes up here.) Squirt was a little disappointed the Husky was more interested in chasing a moose than talking to him. Squirt quickly recovered and pressed on.
Speaking of Seward, Monday is Seward’s Day – an Alaskan State Holiday. We still have to work. I somehow missed Alaska Day last October. We must have had to work then also.
Tomorrow is a day for high hopes. Supposedly, Squirt’s Limo will return to our possession. I am SO looking forward to it. This will be the third time we will call and check to see if it is ready.
Snow did fall here today which I am glad because the temperatures warmed up. Sunday was another fantastically sunny day and the entire family sat on the front porch watching the scenery, sunset and generally relaxing. It was warm enough to be out without a coat or shoes. Of course, it was still 15 degrees but still it felt like a warm front compared to recent temps.
Gray Whales will soon be back in the area. Prime watching time is between March and May while they are migrating to the North Artic Ocean. Sounds like a good day trip for late April!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
We Have a Winner!
On to another subject…Squirt’s Limo is now in the shop and we have been driving a tank. Well it seems like a tank. We have a rental Chevy Full Size Long Bed King Cab 4X4. It doesn’t have running boards. Why is that an important note??? Because by the time I get my foot on the floorboard, my knee is at ear level and I have to have 2 handles to haul the rest of me up. Parking it is a challenge but not nearly as challenging backing out of the parking space to leave the parking lot. Hopefully we will get the “Limo” back Wednesday or Thursday.
We have had a long spell of cold, clear weather. I think we are on our fourth week of absolutely beautiful sunny days which are crisp and clear. Tonight has gale force winds again, moving what little loose snow there is into places we had already cleared. Robert even tried shoveling the front stairs and landing to see if we could get some more significant snowfall and a little warmer temperatures for skiing. It has worked every other time this year but, alas, I am beginning to think we are done with new snow for this winter. (Maybe this statement will bring some!)
By the way, days are seriously getting longer now. We are up to almost 12 hours of daylight and the sky isn’t dark until 9:15 pm or so now that daylight savings time is in effect. I am starting to get worried about all of the long summer days. Already I have more energy in the evening…daylight’s wasting…I should be, could be, etc. out doing something!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Mid Iditarod and Until Next Year Fur Rondy….
Daily Updates – general news blips
Musher Status – the actual race status
Pictures from the Race – some incredible photography of the people, dogs and wilderness.
Fur Rondy has now passed. The final Grand Parade is over (I didn’t go – too cold) and I haven't heard of any ruckus created by animal rights activists. Overall the festival was a success and it should continue once again next year. This festival really drives home how important furs have been in the past to the Alaskan and how many people still wear them for warmth. Plus now that it is over and there isn’t as much media attention regarding furs along with it will be another year before Fur Rondy comes along again, I think it is relatively safe to give you one of the Alaskan definitions of p*e*t*a. There are bumper stickers (more than one) on cars stating: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals.
I must admit – I chuckled.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Pictures from Iditarod start and other goodies
Where's breakfast? Many received tripe and hot "soup" for breakfast. Had to get the enzymes and protein going!
Always carry an extra just in case....this is where Squirt would prefer to ride!
We spent 2 hours here at this position just off of the staring line. We were even with the lead dogs. I am sure we were on TV but with all of the padded winter gear, you wouldn't recognize us.
Anchorage Police vehicles.
First sled to leave was in honor of Susan Butcher. If you haven't followed her story, Susan won the Iditarod 4 times and was an incredible spokesperson for both Iditarod and the state of Alaska. Sadly she passed away in August from Lukemia. Her daughter is the musher for this team wearing bib #1.
Here comes the first team! (Perry Solmonson musher)
And the race has started!
After leaving the race, we went to the Fur Rondy Native Crafts show and picked up a couple of items.
There are ceremonial dance fans made with Caribou hair.
Here is a section of carved (whale) baleen.
This is the 7ft section of baleen that now hangs over our doorway to the office. It was a fantastic day - one I won't forget and I can't wait until next year!