Sunday, March 19, 2017

Back to writing?

I sometimes have odd thoughts to share that may or may not be appropriate for FB.  But then...what is appropriate for FB?  Actually, I'm somewhat timed of  FB.  Too many ads and sometimes quite a bit of drama.

Oh wait...this wasn't supposed to be about FB...

Have you ever had the opportunity to lift weights with a dog?  It is always nice to have someone work out with you even if that someone is rather furry and short.  It can also be an additional challenge when said dog decides to sit on your hair while trying to do sit ups.  The first one is always a shock if you don't realize he's there.

Changing the bed sheets is now a form of aerobic exercise too.  How fast can I get the fitted sheet on before Yeti jumps up and dances around.  Of course, he's too fast and I can't catch him to get him off the bed.  And on the off chance I do catch him, he gets all pouty when he is banished from the bedroom until the work is done.

Anyway...I think I'll start writing again...maybe.. :)

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