Saturday, March 27, 2010

We have Squirrels

When we lived in Houston in 2004, our yard was never visited by a single squirrel.

We are covered with them now and of course, we have a squirrel feeder for corn cobs. Not a fancy one mind you...this one is 2 pieces of 1X4 nailed together at a right angle with a nail to hold the cob. It is on one of the palm trees by the pool.

They still like bird seed better. We have a bird feeder hanging on a shepherd's hook. It initially started by the palm trees also but then we saw the squirrels use the sago fronds to get on the feeder. So we moved it. Then they used the patio chairs. So we moved it. Then they used the table. So we moved it. (Notice a pattern - the squirrel was winning!) The last location we caught them climbing the shepherd's hook itself. Now we have a lovely green circle of plastic designed to keep the squirrels from getting to the bird feed.

They can still get to it somehow (we haven't seen how yet) but at least they aren't on it so much now. The birds actually get food and the squirrels are eating the corn like they are supposed to.

Besides, when they really want bird seed, they can always go to the duck food in the driveway. I looked out the other day and there was a squirrel, lounging on his belly, back feet turned up and eating right along with the ducks. It's a wonder he didn't get stepped on or nipped.

One busy little squirrel is building a nest in the neighbor's yard. He is building his condo at the very top of a tree and should have a lovely view. Interestingly enough, he runs down to the bottom branches, breaks a branch off and then carries it back to the building site and weaves it in. (Of course to see all of this, I had to get the binoculars out. Wonder what the neighbor's thought...) Apparently nest building is very tiring as he would lay down on a lower branch periodically and just relax. But not for long and then it's back to building.

Can't wait to see the little ones!

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