Sunday, January 04, 2009

Eagles Eagles Everywhere!

Happy Birthday Alaska! 50 years of Statehood!

What a perfect winter Sunday! It started out with Momma and Baby Moose eating at the All You Can Eat Moose Buffet right outside our windows. Baby is looking very good for as cold as it has been. Momma must be showing it all of the best places to snack. They circled the house, trimming bushes and trees left and right. The forsythia is significantly smaller now than it was yesterday. Squirt was very worried about those huge dogs in the yard especially since we weren't chasing them off! All was well until Baby started to munch on the raspberry stems. Then I had to tap on the window. Some things they need to be a little more sneaky about eating.

After breakfast, we opted to head to Eagle River. During the colder winter months, each Sunday morning at 11:00am, someone feeds eagles pieces of salmon at the Eagle River VFW parking lot. We had never been before and decided to wander over there this morning. (What else to do when it is -20 outside?)

Not knowing for sure:
1. Where the VFW is;
2. What time the feeding starts;
3. What to expect at the event;

we drove around the community until we found the fire station. At that point we knew we were close.

We pulled into the parking lot about 10:55 along with several other cars and didn't see a single bird.

Then at 10:58, the first eagle arrived.

At 10:59, two more showed up.

At 11:00, all of a sudden, 30-40 eagles were flying around watching a 4 WD pull into the center of the parking lot and open their hatch back. (Who says these birds can't tell time OR day of the week???) Pretty soon, pieces of salmon were flying from behind the truck and the feeding frenzy started. It lasted for about 15 minutes. Utterly amazing...the pictures and video below don't do it justice. I highly recommend this as a winter activity! (Note, we are facing Southeast...this part of ER will not see the sun for another month as it is too close to the mountains and the sun does not get high enough in the sky.)

OK - The video server isn't working right now. I will post those as soon as I can get them loaded...

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