Friday, February 22, 2008

And They're Off!!

Fur Rondy has started!

One of my favorite times of the year here!

At noon today, Robert and I walked over to watch the first round of the World Champion Sprint Sled Dog Races. The dogs LOVE to run and they were in prime form today.

This year we saw something different when one of the mushers started at full bore and one of the lead dogs slipped out of his collar. He was still in his harness but his collar was just flapping away. It took the chute runners (men stationed on the street to help if there are problems) a good block at a dead run to catch up to the sled and then it took the musher and two chute runners jumping on the sled dragging their feet to get it stopped. By then the dogs were getting ready to turn into the crowd. Of course the dogs don’t understand because they are ready to run for 30 miles and they only went a block. Luckily, no people or dogs were hurt. Unfortunately, the incident probably took the musher out of contention because of the 45 second delay getting the collar on again.

Weather this year is downright hot compared to this time last year. It was 40 degrees this afternoon. They had to truck snow in to pad the streets and the trail so the dogs wouldn’t be hurt. Tomorrow it is supposed to be cooler .. 27 or so. Perfect dog weight pull weather!

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