Monday, December 31, 2007

We have a New Neighbor

A noisy owl has moved into our housing addition and apparently the best "who who" -ing time is about 1am. I heard it one other morning and thought it was the wind blowing through something. Last night though, the owl was calling for quite a while - long enough for me to wake up Robert and say "Hear the owl?". I'm not sure Robert truly appreciated the notice!

Anyway, from the information off of the Alaska Wildlife Conservation site, it appears we have 3 common possibilities:
  1. Great Grey Owl
  2. Northern Hawk Owl
  3. Great Horned Owl

While I was hoping it would be a Snowy Owl, my guess is it is a Great Horned Owl because the site talks about them nesting in old raven's nests and we have a plethora of trash scattering ravens here. (Just so you know, our ravens can tell days of the week. Trash day is normally on Wednesday but was delayed to Thursday due to holidays and no one bothered to tell them. They were here Wednesday and were hungry!)

Regardless, I now have another animal to watch for and try to capture on film. If he/she only shows up at night though, chances of that are slim!

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