As I grow older, multi-tasking becomes more difficult. I think it's because I now have the attention span of a GNAT and get too easily side tracked, but I could be wrong.
What does this have to do with driving? I recently witnessed a GREAT example of the problems caused by texting and driving which re-enforced once again, the combination is a really bad thing when concentration is required for staying alive. It is not something I can do!
I was on the Hardy Toll road (one of my favorite NASCAR time tracks in Houston). It generally doesn't have as many cars or traffic jams as I45. In fact, I had the highway to myself.
Except for one, 4-door Caddy sedan and a large panel van carrying fruit further down the road.
I was behind the car but slowly catching up to it. The Caddy had erratic speeds, slow down, floor it, repeat. As I was watching, it started to weave across lanes...all three of them. Including the shoulders. At one point, the driver almost crashed into the wall. Bloody lucky he didn't jerk it hard enough to flip the car.
Then came the tough decision: Speed up and try to go around without getting hit OR fade back and watch the crash with the fruit truck down the road.
I opted to pass. Amazingly enough, when I started to pass, I had a full lane between us and the idiot almost hit me.
I honestly figured he was drunk. He may have been, I don't know, but I do know he had his cell phone out and was using the keyboard.
I never did see a crash (thank goodness) but if traffic had been heavier, I have no doubt there would have been one!