With the house on the market and a showing today, Squirt and I had to get up and get it all pretty - make it look as good as we can for a quick sell. One of the required items is to sweep the leaves off of the deck.
It was about 8:30 and grey this morning due to the rain (making leaf sweeping even more of a challenge) and I let Squirt out the gate on the deck into the yard and started sweeping.
I didn't know there was a moose munching on the birch right around the corner. Squirt did however.
Since living here, I've come to discover, moose have an incredible ability to camouflage themselves. We have a new paper delivery person and you never know what door the paper will be at in the morning. Not 5 minutes before putting him in the yard, I had stepped out the front door looking for the paper. I had to be about 6 feet from the moose's nose. She didn't say a thing, didn't move, stopped eating and hid behind our birch tree. That's probably when Squirt saw her first.
Squirt didn't say anything either.
As I said, Squirt went into the yard and I was sweeping. The next thing I hear is Squirt barking, something heavy stomping on the ground and low, deep, grumbling, growling noises.
Isn't it interesting what you think about when in a crisis. Over the last 3 years, we have seen moose in the yard 30-40 times.
I have never seen a bear in our yard but I know they have wondered through and that was my first thought.
Oh NO - Squirt surprised a bear. What am I going to do?
Then I saw it was a moose.
Then I thought, what am I going to do?
(BTW - there were probably some expletives intermixed between the "what am I going to do" statements but no need to re-create that!)
I have never heard a moose make that type of noise before. Normally they don't vocalize unless it is during rut and they sound different then. This must have been a defensive sound. I'm sure the moose would feel good knowing I initially thought of bears when hearing her.
Anyway, Squirt had run up behind the moose, started barking and the moose had turned and started grumbling and stomping. Luckily, Squirt was fast enough to get away from her hooves. He ran across the yard and the moose looked at me and turned back to munching on the tree again.
Of course, Squirt wouldn't come to me. He was too busy strutting around the yard marking territory.
Both considered it a win.
However, when we saw momma and baby later this afternoon (pictures above - not the same moose from this morning - I know because these two were watching our escapades from their bedding spot across the street) Squirt opted to keep quiet.
Maybe Squirt learned an important lesson today. (I doubt it!)